Dragon Isles contains 4 zones, The Waking Shores, Ohn´ahran Plains, The Azure Span and Thaldraszus.
Your first character
The leveling in Dragon Isles with your first character is linear when it comes to the main quest line. You will start with the main quest line in The Waking Shores, and the story will take you to Ohn´ahran Plains then The Aszure Span and finally Thaldraszus. There are some level check points for reaching the different zones and the one that you might bump into is when you finish the main storyline in The Azure Span and want to proceed. You need to be level 68 to continue. So you cant level up to max level only via the main questline, you have to do something else. And that something else are side quests, dungeons, pvp or profession etc. Side quests also have character level requirements.
During the main storyline, you will be introduced to the 4 new Renown Factions:
- Dragonscale Expedition
- Maruuk Centaur
- Iskaara Tuskarr
- Valdrakken Accord
If you do main story and side quests, you will also be introduced to the other 4 reputation factions:
- Artisan´s Consortium
- Cobalt Assembly
- Sabellian
- Wrathion
By playing the game, you will unlock more things to do in the game. Meaning, by reaching higher renown, you will unlock more content to do in Dragonflight, such as fun world quests, special events and so on.
The Renown rewards are tied to profession recipes, cosmetics, some gear, mounts, pets, toys, titles, dragonflying mount cosmetics and so on.
You should definitely complete the main storyline because that is one of the requirements to unlock World Quests. The other requirement is that it only requires level 68. Once reaching the last zone, you will also be introduced to the new City, Valdrakken. World Quest ilvl reward is scaled to your character.
Here are the gear item level when leveling.
Character level |
Common ilvl |
Rare ilvl |
Heroic ilvl |
60 |
226 |
252 |
61 |
232/236 |
252 |
262 |
62 |
242/246 |
262 |
272 |
63 |
252/256 |
272 |
282 |
64 |
262/266 |
282 |
292 |
65 |
272/276 |
282 |
292 |
66 |
282/286 |
292 |
302 |
67 |
292/296 |
302 |
312 |
68 |
302/306 |
312 |
322 |
69 |
312/314 |
322 |
332 |
70 |
323 |
333 |
When the pre-patch event comes out 15th of November, you can easily gear up your character to 252+ ilvl gear, which means that you will start wanting gear during leveling when you hit level 62.
Players that have been playing during Season 4 and geared up will start wanting gear at a higher level. Players that have grinded the highest gear in Season 4 will actually start needing gear when hitting level 67-68. Check the table to see where you are on gear item level and when you will start wanting gear from quest rewards.
When your character will reach the ilvl rewards from quests when leveling, you will feel that it will take longer time to kill them mobs, now when they are more scaled to your gear. Before that, you will kill mobs really fast.
Your Alt characters
Your alt character can choose what zone to play in and you will do the main storyline in that zone. You can also swap to any storyline whenever you want.
The Scouting map is located in The Waking Shores, and you choose what storyline/zone you want to do.
All World Quests are available on your alt characters. However, the World Quest rewards sometimes differ between charcters. The ilvl reward is scaled to your character level.
You get xp from world quests.
Character level |
World Quest |
60 |
239 |
61 |
249 |
62 |
259 |
63 |
269 |
64 |
279 |
65 |
289 |
66 |
299 |
67 |
309 |
68 |
319 |
69 |
329 |
70 |
356 - 379 |
All Objectives are available on your alt characters. You get xp from objectives.
There are 4 Renown factions in Dragonflight. Each Renown faction also has a reward system in which you will unlock rewards when you level up that Renown. The four renown factions are
- Dragonscale Expedition
- Maruuk Centaur
- Iskaara Tuskarr
- Valdrakken Accord
There are also 4 more reputation factions that doesnt share the same Renown reward system. They consist of special levels based on what they think of you. Reaching higher levels with them will unlock cosmetics, toys, pets, profession recipes etc. There are
- Artisan´s Consortium
- Cobalt Assembly
- Sabellian
- Wrathion
Alts and Renown rewardsYour alt will start at the beginning of the Renown level, but there are some things that you will have access to if you have unlocked it on another character. There are also some things that your character will not have access to even if you have unlocked it on another character. Check them out below.
Alts and Reputation rewards
Your alt will start at the beginning of the reputation on all four. but there are some things that you will have access to if you have unlocked it on another character. There are also some things that your character will not have access to even if you have unlocked it on another character. Check them out below.
Dragonscale Expedition - Renown
- Expedition Scout Packs
- Buy Toys from the Renown vendor
- Buy Cosmetics from the Renown vendor
- Buy Drakewatcher Manuscript (Customization for your Dragon) from the Renown vendor
- Buy banners and Tabard
- Also if you reach a Renown that unlocks pet/toys/manuscript/Cosmetics/Banners you will get one for free and no need to buy.
- Disturbed Dirt Treasures and the Shovel from vendor that is needed to be able to dig the dirt.
- The Expedition Supply Kit which is a talent tree with really good perks for farming and making the “climbing” and “picture taking” World Quests much easier to complete.
- Cataloging World Quests
- Bonus supplies (Increases the chance on getting more Dragon Isles Supplies from chests).
- Magic Bound Chests and also access to the Rudimentary Magical Lockpick that is needed to open the chest.
- Explosive Archeology and you can see the stones that you can blow up the explosive.
- Buy Treasure maps
- Quack- E Quack Modulator
- The title
- The mounts
No Access
- Gear from vendors until you reach the Renown required on your alt.
- All profession Recipes until you reach the Renown required on your alt.
What is not know yet
- The Waygates (Not out yet on beta at all).
- The Questline chapters.(Not out yet on beta at all).
Iskaara Tuskarr - Renown
- Tuskarr Totems
- Community Feast, BUT, the Soup pot treasure from the quest reward requires level 70 to open (at least now on beta).
- Fishing holes
- Buy Toys from the Renown vendor
- Buy Cosmetics from the Renown vendor
- Buy Drakewatcher Manuscript (Customization for your Dragon) from the Renown vendor
- Buy banners and Tabard
- Tuskarr fishing gear
No Access
- Gear from vendors until you reach the Renown required on your alt.
- All profession Recipes until you reach the Renown required on your alt.
Maruuk Centaur - Renown
- Finding Hunting Trophies
- Buy Toys from the Renown vendor
- Buy Cosmetics from the Renown vendor
- Buy Drakewatcher Manuscript (Customization for your Dragon) from the Renown vendor
- Also if you reach a Renown that unlocks pet/toys/manuscript/Cosmetics/Banners you will get one for free and no need to buy.
- Access to the camp that has daily quests.
- The Hunt Event
- The Essence of Awakening
No Access
- The companion when doing The Hunt, if you unlock it on main.
- Companion talents
- The Aylaag Winstones item that teleports you to the Aylag Camp in Ohn´arain Plains.
- Gear from vendors until you reach the Renown required on your alt.
- All profession Recipes until you reach the Renown required on your alt.
- The Ohn´aran Perch Toy which let you access your mail.
- The companion that can be anywhere in Dragon Isles (Shikaar Hunting Horn).
- The title
Valdrakken Accord - Renown
- Dragon riding World Quests
- Siege on Dragonbane Keep Event
- Titan Relics
- Buy Toys from the Renown vendor
- Buy Cosmetics from the Renown vendor
- Buy Drakewatcher Manuscript (Customization for your Dragon) from the Renown vendor
- Buy banners and Tabard
No Access
- Gear from vendors until you reach the Renown required on your alt.
- All profession Recipes until you reach the Renown required on your alt.
Sabellian / Wrathion - Reputation
- World Quest tied to Obsidian Citadel , choosing wrathion or Sabellian available.
- World Quest to farm key fragments (Keys of Loyalty).
- Farming key fragments and make it to a key that you turn for rep etc.
- Toys / COsmetics / Manuscripts (dragon customization)
No Access
- Gear from vendors until you reach the Renown required on your alt.
Cobalt Assembly - Reputation
- You get access to the Cobalt assembly when leveling.
- You also get access to the player power cobalt talent tree that only works in Cobalt Assembly.
- You get access to reputation items that the cobalt enemies drop.
- You also get access to the Arcane Magic power that you can get when killing mobs in Cobalt Assembly.
No Access
- You don't get access to the talent tree perks that you have unlocked on your main. Meaning, you need reputation on alt to unlock the access for those perks.
- You don't have access to the customization items, but that seems to be a bug. You should have access to them.
Artisan´s Consortium - Reputation
- Tabard
No Access
- All Research knowledge items
- All profession recipes
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