(Fast Tactics)
- This fight has a main phase and an adds phase.
- In the main phase you will fight boss and any adds that are still alive.
- In the add phase you will fight adds and the boss is immune to dmg.
- You will ping pong between boss phase and add phase.
BOSS PHASE - Raid behind boss. Off tank behind boss. Only main tank in front boss.
- Players with circle under them (debuff) runs to the marker behind raid and wait until small orb spawns. Semi stack the orbs.
- Players with big circle and arrow on their head (debuff) runs to the orbs and cover as many as possible with their circle. It clears the orbs away.
- Watch out for pushback to you don’t get pushed into the orbs.
- Boss shoots orbs 3 times on tank that must run away from raid. Raid move backwards when it starts. It one shoot kills.
- When boss goes to the circle and is immune to dmg, phase 2 starts.
ADD PHASE - There are 3 types off adds on normal mode and 4 on heroic/mythic mode.
- The adds are on the side of the platform with two on each side. The position of the adds are random. Check before the pull where the adds are located.
- Position the raid so that you will attack the first add directly when add phase starts.
- Tank boss on the middle pillar on the left or right side.
- Pick the side based on where the Acquisition Automa add is.
- Kill order
Acquisition Automa
Degeneration Automas
Defense Matrix Automa
Guardian Automa
- There are 3 pillars on each side of the platform.
- Place a marker on each pillar.
- Tank boss on the middle pillar on the left or right side.
- Pick the side based on where the Acquisition Automa add is.
- Raid behind boss. Off tank behind boss.
This fight has a main phase and an adds phase.
In the main phase you will fight boss and any adds that are still alive.
In the add phase you will fight adds and the boss is immune to dmg.
You will ping pong between boss phase and add phase.
Main Phase
Protoform Cascade (tanks)
- Boss does a frontal cone attack that does high Cosmic dmg.
Tactics: Protoform Cascade (tanks)
- This is not a tank swap ability but use a defensive.
- Entire raid behind boss, even off tank.
Manifest Mote (Unstable Mote)
- Boss puts a debuff on several random players (circle around your character).
- After 5 seconds, the debuffed players will drop an orb (actually a star) on the ground, called Unstable Mote.
- Touching the orb does moderate dmg makes it burst into a pool that moderate high Cosmic dmg every 2 sec to players that touches it.
Tactics: Manifest Mote (Unstable Mote)
- Players run to the marker behind raid.
- Soft stack the orbs (motes) so it is easier to clear them.
Deconstructing Energy
- Boss targets 2 players. A tank and a non-tank.
- You get an arrow on head and a circle around you.
- This does low dmg every 1 sec for 6 sec.
- After 6 sec it bursts and all orbs (Unstable Motes) that is inside the circle is cleared without a pool on the ground.
- The burst also does high dmg to all players inside the circle.
Tactics: Deconstructing Energy
- The two players (tank and non-tank) targeted run behind raid and stands next to the motes so you clear as many as possible.
- Wait until it burst before running back.
Cosmic Shift
- Boss does a pushback on all players and high cosmic damage.
Tactics: Cosmic Shift
- Make sure you don’t get pushed back to an orb (mote).
- Healers beware.
- Boss targets the main tank and shoots cosmic orbs.
- Each hit does very high (deadly) within 20 yards of the impact.
- Boss shoots this 3 times.
Tactics: Resonance
- This cannot hit any other player.
- When tank is targeted, that tank must turn around and run away until all 3 are casted.
- Use movement speed abilities to dodge the hit.
- Other players that can help with movement speed increase on the tank should help.
- When add phase is starting, the boss goes to the middle and takes reduced dmg.
- The boss will cast protoform energy that does high cosmic dmg every 5 sec for 20 sec.
Tactics: Synthesize
- Run to the add that you will kill first and stand inside the circle of that add.
- This protects you from the dmg.
- This is why you should fight the boss on the side that has the add that you will kill first since boss casts this fast when add phase starts.
Add Phase - Automas
On Normal Mode you will get 3 adds.
- Degeneration
- Acquisition
- Guardian
On Heroic & Mythic Mode you will get 4 adds.
- Degeneration
- Acquisition
- Guardian
- Defense
The adds are on the side of the platform with two on each side. The position of the adds are random. So check before the pull where the adds are located.
Before entering the add phase again you must check where the adds are and also what adds are up. Sometimes, you might get 2 of the same add.
Position the raid so that you will attack the first add directly when add phase starts.
You will have 20 seconds while boss is casting Synthesize where the adds will not attack you.
Try to kill the first add during this time.
Enter the circle fast where the add is to protect you from Synthesize.
The add phase lasts for 50 seconds (20s Synthesize + 30s Recharge) then the boss is back again. The adds that are left will still be there when boss is out.
The kill order is
- Acquisition Automa
- Degeneration Automas
- Defense Matrix Automa
- Guardian Automa
- This add does melee damage and puts debuffs on players.
- The debuff does moderate dmg every 0.5s for 12 seconds.
- It spawns many of these adds.
- Tanks group them up and dps AoE them down fast.
- Explodes when it dies (Detonation).
Does moderate cosmic dmg to players within 40 yards and pushback. - Pulsating dmg to all players every 5 sec.
- Always check where this add is before add phase.
- Enter the circle where this add is directly when add phase starts.
- Nuke this add and try to kill it before 20 seconds pass when all adds will start attacking the raid.
- This add shoots a barrage of energy on random players that does low Cosmic dmg.
- This is the last add to kill.
- The boss might back when this add is attacked. One tank on boss and one on this add.
- Puts a huge shield for 30 sec that reduces dmg taken by 50% on all adds inside the shield.
- Kill this add after the small ones are dead.
- One tank takes this add and moves it away from the rest of the adds since it puts up a big shield.
- This add must die before boss comes out.
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