There are two main things that you turn in to the Archivist that he turns into Cataloged Research and gives you as a currency. Half of that Cataloged research will also turn into Archivist reputation.
Cataloged Research Items – changes in 9.1.5
Cataloged Research items are items that you find in Korthia. When turning in relics and cataloged research items to the Archivist, you will get half of that amount turned into the cataloged research currency.
There are 3 types of Cataloged Research items
- Common
Rewards 8 Cataloged Research - Rare
Rewards 48 Cataloged Research - Epic
Rewards either 100 or 150 Cataloged Research
In 9.1.5 we get increased amount of Cataloged Research items from the sources that drops rare and epic quality Cataloged Research items.
In 9.1 we get one item of Cataloged Research when it is a rare or epic quality.
In 9.1.5 we get 4 items of Cataloged Research when it is a rare or epic quality.
This means that when you loot a 48 Cataloged Research item (rare quality) in 9.1, it will instead become 192 Cataloged Research (4 rare quality items).
When you loot a 150 Cataloged Research item (epic quality) in 9.1, it will instead become 600 Cataloged Research (4 epic quality items) in 9.1.5.
Quests also reward more
There is a daily quest in Korthia that is available almost every day that rewards 2 epic quality items of Cataloged Research with 150 in each one.
In 9.1.5 this is also increased. You will instead get 5 items of epic quality Cataloged Research with 150 in each one.
Meaning, in 9.1 we get 300 Cataloged Research as reward, but in 9.1.5 we get 750 Cataloged Research.
Relic Fragments – changes in 9.1.5
These are common quality item that you get reputation and cataloged research for turning it in based on the number of Relic Fragments.
In 9.1.5 you will also get a new item that is bind on account meaning, you can send it to your alts. This item is called Research Report: Telic Examination Techniques and gives 50% more reputation with the Archivist when you turn in relics to the Archivist. It does NOT reward more cataloged research, only reputation.
Relic Efficiency increased
In 9.1 we got a quest when reaching tier 4 with the Archivist called Relic Efficiency. This rewarded 20% chance to receive double the normal Relic Fragment drops from rares and treasures.
In 9.1.5, it will also increase the average number of Relics that will show up as bonus drops from relic loot sources.
New Quests
Two new quests are also added in 9.1.5 called , “Relic Clues” and “Relic Hunter”. You don’t have to do anything special with these quests unfortunately. You just talk to the Archivist and he is basically telling you that you are doing a good job.
“Relic Clues” are available when reaching Tier 3 with the Archivist and rewards 10% chance at double Relic Fragments.
“Relic Hunter” are available when reaching Tier 5 with the Archivist and rewards 40% chance at double Relic Fragments.
Both of these new quests will also increase the average number of relics you will see as bonus drops, on daily quests or in weekly reward chests.
Both of these new quests will also increase the average number of relics you will see as bonus drops, on daily quests or in weekly reward chests.
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