Following its defeat in the Emerald Nightmare, Il'gynoth retreated into the depths of Ny'alotha to regain its strength. Now it has fused with the city's architecture and spreads across the Black Empire like a creeping infestation. As Il'gynoth's corrupting flesh grows ever larger, so does its power.
Fast Tactics
- This fight has 2 phases.
Phase 1 - Ill´gynoth will spawn in middle
Phase 2 – Boss leaves and there are 3 organs around the platform. When an organ dies, the 2 other gets full health and phase 2 starts again.
Phase 1
- Tank boss phasing away from raid.
A big beam shoots at main tank, that also hits anything in its path.
Tank swap after every beam. - Run behind raid alongside a wall when chased by a beam. Pools spawn on ground behind the beam.
- HEROIC – Random players are charmed. Nuke them to 30% health to remove it. RANGED attack it, not melee. If you are to close to them, you get charmed as well.
- Blood adds
Spawn from organs when phase 1 starts again. Kite them, cc them nuke them.
Don’t get hit by an add, nasty debuff dmg.
Phase 2
- Boss leaves. 3 Organs spawn.
- Players cannot be attacked by organ. They only cast Pumping Blood that must be interrupted.
- If an organ dies, the rest get 100% health.
- Divide raid in 3 groups.
2 groups with fast interrupt cooldowns, with 2-3 players (based on raid size)
1 group that is the kill group, that kills an organ. - Always interrupt the organ. If not, blood add spawns.
Blood adds must be kited and cc. Take the blood to melee for cleave dmg. - When an add dies, entire raid takes dmg. Don’t cluster them up.
Abilities and Tactics
You will fight Illgynoth that is in the middle of the platform.
There are 3 “doors” on the sides of the platform that is covered with his organs.
When you take down the health of the boss, he will retreat and disappear.
The three organs can be attacked for some time until boss comes back to middle again.
So, phase 1 is when boss is out, phase 2 is when raid attacks organs.
The fight is over when all 3 organs and boss are destroyed.
Eye of N´Zoth (tanks)
Boss shoots a beam on main tank that does dmg to any player in front of boss as well.
The beam is very high Shadow dmg that puts a debuff doing 75% more dmg from the beam and stacks.
Tactics – Eye of N´Zoth (tanks)
Tank swap after every beam
Make sure to stand away from raid as main tank so the beam doesn’t hit raid.
Raid beware of the beam.
Corruptor’s Gaze
A beam spawns and follows a random player.
Pools will spawn on the ground behind the beam
Standing on pool silence you and does moderate dmg every 1 sec.
Tactics - Corruptor’s Gaze
Best is if raid stand on entrance side and targeted player just runs behind and near the wall of entrance.
HEROIC MODE - Touch of the Corruptor
Boss charms random players for 1 min.
These players will move to other players and if they touch (come close) to a non-charmed player, that player will also become charmed.
If the health of charmed player is reduced to 30%, this charm will be removed.
HEROIC MODE - Tactics – Touch of the Corruptor
Do NOT come close to charmed players.
Nuke them down to 30% to remove the effect
Melee should NOT attack them, because then you are close and risk the chance for becoming charmed.
Blood adds (Blood of Ny´alotha)
When phase 1 starts again after phase 2, the blood adds will spawn from the organs.
These bloods will fixate players and attack melee, and this melee attack leaves a debuff that does low Shadow dmg every 2 sec for 40 sec. This debuff stacks.
When the blood dies, it explodes and dps moderate Shadow dmg to all players.
Tactics - Blood adds (Blood of Ny´alotha)
Ranged prio nuke the adds.
Run away from them and do not get hit.
Make sure not to kill to many adds at once since it does raid dmg when it dies.
When phase 2 starts, boss retreats and hides.
There are 3 organs that can be attacked, one on left, top middle and right side.
When an organ dies, the other 2 get full health and phase 2 starts again.
Organs and Blood add
Players cannot be attacked by organs.
Each organ has a cast bar – Pumping Blood.
This cast can be interrupted.
When the cast is completed, a blood add will spawn (Blood of Ny´alotha).
These bloods will fixate players and attack melee, and this melee attack leaves a debuff that does low Shadow dmg every 2 sec for 40 sec. This debuff stacks.
When the blood dies, it explodes and dps moderate Shadow dmg to all players.
Tactics - Organs and Blood add
Divide the raid into three groups.
Group 1 – Starts on left organ. Should have the majority of high dps and high burst dmg. This is the kill group, and they must kill the organ they are attacking.
Group 2 – Starts on middle organ. Should have one healer that can also heal sides when needed. Should have players with short interrupt cooldown. Don’t let add spawn. One tank should be here.
Shaman healer if you have should be here since it is the only healer that can interrupt.
Group 3 – Starts on right organ. Should have players with short interrupt cooldown. Don’t let add spawn. One tank should be here. Shaman healer if you have should be here
Kite the adds, slow, stun etc.
Always run through melee players so that they can cleave organ when attacking adds.
Kill adds directly when they spawn. Don´t gather up then kill, because they do raid dmg when they die.
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