One of N´Zoth´s most nightmarish creations, Shad´har the Insatiable feasts on the corrupted carcasses that the Old God´s minions discard into its domain. Tormented by ceaseless hunter, Shad´har´s body twists and mutates with every corpse it devours.
Fast Tactics
- You will fight boss on a platform surrounded by water that does dmg to players and also boosts boss dmg if the boss touches it.
- The encounter has 3 phases in which the boss will swap to two new abilities each phase.
- There will be 3 things happening during all phases as well.
- An add spawns and fixates a player, make sure you move away from others before the add touches you. It will do dmg to entire raid but less, the further away from impact.
- Boss puts a debuff that does dmg and also jumps to other players- Healers beware of this dmg during entire fight.
- Boss does Crush and after that a Dissolve every 30 sec on tank. Main tank must take Crush and the other off tank must taunt fast and take the Dissolve. Then off tank starts instead and repeat. - Phase 1
Debuff dmg on all players and a swirl under every player that does dmg – move away from it.
Boss does frontal cone breath, tanks sidestep away from it, raid don’t be near it. - Phase 2 (66% health)
Debuff dmg on all players and also several orbs spawns that must be soaked or else each orb
does dmg to all players. Soaking does dmg, use defensives. Healers beware.
Boss does frontal cone breath, tanks sidestep away from it, raid don’t be near it. - Phase 3 (33% health)
Boss does 25% increased dmg (at 30% health).
Tank boss on the side of the platform because pools will spawn in middle that does very high dmg.
Small pools will also spawn under players that must move away.
Raid stacks behind boss. Move as one unit clockwise around the platform.
Tanks must face boss toward middle when you stand still and move clockwise when pool is under all players.
Boss does frontal cone breath, tanks sidestep away from it, raid don’t be near it. - Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism at phase 3 and kill boss fast before being overwhelmed with pools and boss dmg.
Abilities and Tactics
The platform and the add
- You will fight boss during 3 phases on a circular platform surrounded with water.
- The platform will be smaller during the fight.
- Touching the water does high ticking damage (Caustic Coating).
- If the boss touches the water, it will be boost the dmg done by 50% every second and will last for the rest of the fight.
- An add (Living Miasma) will also spawn every 30 sec from the water and fixates a random player.
When it touches the player, it explodes and does very high Shadow dmg to all players but the further away the players are, the less dmg they take.
- Make sure that raid and boss don´t touch the water surrounding the platform.
- Targeted player by the add must move away from other players before getting touched by the add.
- Healers must heal up the targeted player as well.
The tanks – Crush and Dissolve
- Boss does two abilities that comes every 30 sec with 3 sec between the two abilities. These must be mastered by the two tanks.
- Crush – Does very high physical dmg and puts a debuff that increases physical dmg taken by 50% and also increases dmg taken by Dissolve by 400% and stacks.
- Dissolve – Does Nature dmg and a debuff that does Nature dmg every 1 sec for 15 sec and stacks.
- Main tank takes the hit from Crush
- Off tank taunts directly after and takes the hit from Dissolve.
- Off tanks keeps tanking and takes the next hit that comes after around 30 sec.
- Main tank taunts directly after to take the next hit.
- Rinse repeat.
The debuff – Debilitating Spit
- Boss puts a debuff on a random player every 30 sec during the entire fight.
- This debuff does 4 stacks in total of Nature dmg every 1 sec for 4 sec and jumps to a new players.
- New players take half of that debuff dmg and then it jumps again that takes half of that debuff dmg.
- Healers beware of heavy healing on players with the debuffs.
- One player can unluckily get 2 stacks of it as well.
Based on what material the boss eats, it gains certain abilities.
At phase 1, the boss eats shadowy material which gives it the two abilities
Umbral Mantle
Umbral Breath
Umbral Mantle
- Boss puts a debuff on every player (Umbral Mantle) that does Shadow dmg for 5 sec.
- This will also put a swirl pool under you which does dmg if not moved away.
Tactics - Umbral Mantle
- Stay spread.
- Move away every time the swirls are under you and make sure you don’t move into another player´s swirl.
Umbral Breath
- Boss does a frontal cone breath (Umbral Breath) that does heavy Shadow dmg to anyone getting hit.
- On Heroic/Mythic mode – The lower health boss gets, the faster this happens.
Tactics - Umbral Breath
- Tanks make sure where you move the boss, so it face away from the raid. Move to the side when it happens.
When boss reaches 66% health, phase 2 starts.
Boss eats void-tinged carcass and now gets two other abilities instead:
Entropic Mantle
Entropic Breath
Entropic Mantle
- Boss puts a debuff (Entropic Mantle) every 20 sec on all players that does Shadow dmg every 2 sec for 25 sec and stacks.
- Several orbs will also spawn around the platform that explodes after 15 sec and does moderate dmg to all players.
- These orbs can be soaked which puts a debuff that player that soaks one orb.
The soaked orb makes the orbs smaller and will do less dmg when it explodes.
The debuff does shadow dmg every 2 sec. - Heroic/Mythic mode - There will be several more orbs that spawns.
Tactics - Entropic Mantle
- Stack up behind boss for more effective heals when raid gets the debuff.
- Have players soaking the orbs when they spawn, used defensives.
- Healers beware of heavy healing.
Entropic Breath
- Boss does a frontal cone breath (Entropic Breath) that does high shadow dmg and recude healing received by 50% for 6 sec to players hit by it.
- On Heroic/Mythic mode – The lower health boss gets, the faster this happens.
Tactics - Entropic Breath
- Tanks make sure where you move the boss, so it face away from the raid. Move to the side when it happens.
When boss reaches 33% health, phase 3 starts.
Boss eats noxious carcass and now gets three other abilities instead:
Noxious Mantle
Noxious Breath
Noxious Mantle
- Boss puts a debuff that does low/moderate dmg every 3 sec during the rest of the fight.
- Boss a bubble pool on the center of the platform that does 10% of players health in dmg every 1 sec.
- Boss will also put the same pool under players feet.
Tactics - Noxious Mantle
- Tank the boss on the side of the platform, away from middle.
- Have the raid stacking behind boss.
Move as one unit clockwise around the platform when pools are under the players. - Tanks – Have the boss facing middle when not moving him.
Move him clockwise when raid gets pools under them.
Noxious Breath
- Boss does frontal cone breath that does high Nature dmg and a debuff that does moderate dmg every 1 sec for 10 sec to players hit.
- On Heroic/Mythic mode – The lower health boss gets, the faster this happens.
Tactics - Noxious Breath
- Tanks will tank the boss on the side of the platform but face the boss toward center because of the Noxious Mantle debuff.
- Move to the side before the breath.
- Raid stacks behind boss.
When boss reaches 30 % health. The dmg is increased by 25%.
When to Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism
At phase 3. You must kill boss before the platform is covered with pools and kills you. Also boss does 25% increased dmg during this phase.
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