Locked in a contest of wills, the generals Ka´zir and Tek´ris constantly vie for dominance over their fellow aqir. As they wrest control away from one another, the hive shifts its tactics and obeys each of their commands with fervent loyalty.
Fast Tactics
- You will fight two bosses, Tekris and Kazir.
- One tank on each boss.
- They want to take control of something called the hivemind. Based on which of the two bosses that control the hivemind, different things happen.
- When Tekris controls it, you must tank the bosses together.
- When Kazir controls it, you must tank them apart.
- Always interrupt Mind-Numbing Nova, ALWAYS.
- There are 4 types of adds:
- Two of them will spawn periodically - Drones and Darters.
Drones attack random players and cannot be tanked, Have a marker on the platform and group up on marker when targeted by these adds and AoE nuke them fast.
Darters will be all around the platform. Kill them fast. You cannot control where you want them, except if you have DK tank – try and pull them all together and kill. Demon Hunter sigil as well. These adds do dmg to entire raid before they move to next location.
- The other two are spawned by the bosses.
Acidic adds that moves from one side to the other on the platform. Touching that add does high Nature dmg and puts a debuff that increases all dmg taken by 25% for 8 sec. Must dodge these adds.
Boss transforms a Drone into a big add – Raveger- Prio it nuke it.
Abilities and Tactics
This fight has one big phase, divided in 2 main bosses and 4 types of adds.
The two bosses Kaz`ir and Tek´ris will swap between taking over the Hivemind every 1 min.
The swap of control does raid dmg on heroic and mythic mode. It puts a debuff that does nature dmg every 0.5 sec for sec (Devouring Frenzy).
When Tek´ris is controlling the Hivemind
The bosses must be tanked close to each other (within 20 yards) otherwise
- it reduces dmg taken on every enemy by 99%.
- the adds that spawns (Drones and Dartes) during this encounter will increases dmg and movement speed by 1% every 1 sec.
The adds must always be prioritized to get killed fast when they spawn.
When Ka´zir is controlling the Hivemind
The bosses must be tanked apart from each other (more than 20 yards) otherwise
- it reduces dmg taken on every enemy by 99%.
The adds that spawn Drones and Dartes) during this encounter will heal 3% of their max health every 1 sec when below 20% health.
Volatile Eruption
Ka´zir boosts one Drone add with
- 150% health
- Immmunity to cc
After 20 sec, it self-destructs and does deadly dmg to all players.
Tactic: Volatile Eruption
All dps must target this add fast and kill it before 20 sec passes.
Spawn Acidic Aqir
Kaz´ir spawns Acidic Aqir adds.
They spawn on each side of the platform and moves to the opposite side of the platform then disappears.
Touching that add does high Nature dmg and puts a debuff that increases all dmg taken by 25% for 8 sec.
Tactics: Spawn Acidic Aqir
MUST dodge them.
Remember that you will have loads of things happening during the fight and then at the same time dodge these adds.
Healers beware when player(s) touches one. The debuff is called Corrosion. They will take much more dmg.
Mind-Numbing Nova
Kaz´ir puts a debuff on ALL players for 8 sec.
This debuff does moderate dmg every 2 sec AND reduces the haste by 50%.
Tactics: Mind-Numbing Nova
This cast MUST be interrupted.
Have specific player(s) for this task.
Accelerated Evolution (Tanks)
Tek´ris transforms a Drone into a Ravenger with 100% health.
This also increases the Ravenger adds health and dmg by 450%.
It can be tanked.
It does high physical dmg.
It puts a 20 sec debuff that does high physical dmg every 2 sec.
Tactics: Accelerated Evolution (Tanks)
DPS – Swap to this add and kill it fast.
Tanks – Tank swap that add at every Ravage debuff (if needed)
Nullification Blast
Tak´ris does a frontal cone Shadow dmg.
Getting hit does shadow dmg and puts a debuff that reduces healing by 100% for 6 sec.
Tactics: Nullification Blast
Tank that is on this boss – make sure you always phase the boss away from the raid.
The best is to tank it near a corner and make it phase the outer platform.
Tank can dodge this slam, it takes some seconds before it hits the ground.
Echoing Void
Tek´ris does moderate shadow dmg to all players.
This puts a shadow circle under each player.
After some seconds, any player within 4 yards to each other will do high shadow dmg to each other.
Tactics: Echoing Void
Healers beware of raid dmg.
Raid – Stay spread from each other until its over. You will see a dark circle under you when its active.
There are 4 types of adds.
Two of them will spawn periodically - Drones and Darters
The other two are “spawned” by the bosses.
Several small drones spawns at the same time.
They attack random players and cannot be tanked.
On Heroic mode – They leave an acid pool on the ground when killed that does nature dmg.
Tactics: Drones
Have a marker on the platform and group up around that marker when targeted by these adds.
AoE nuke them fast.
They will be all around the platform. They stand still for some seconds then moves fast to another position and stands still there for some seconds and so on.
These adds do Shadow dmg to all players everytime before they move to next location.
Tactics: Darters
Kill them fast.
You cannot control where you want them, except if you have DK tank – try and pull them all together and kill.
Acidic Aqir
Spawned by Ka´zir.
They spawn on each side of the platform and moves to the opposite side of the platform then disappears.
Touching that add does high Nature dmg and puts a debuff that increases all dmg taken by 25% for 8 sec.
Tactics: Acidic Aqir
Must dodge these adds.
Healers beware of high incoming dmg.
When reaching 1% health
(Dark Reconstitution)
When a boss has 1% health it becomes immune to all dmg.
A casts starts (Dark Reconstitution) and when completed it will heal 50% of max health.
This is only interrupted when both Tek´ris and Ka´zir are defeated.
I havent got to this point yet, but I think that this means that you must kill both bosses at the same time more or less.
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