Obsessively wielding the power that N´Zoth has granted her, Vexiona has amassed a cult of worshippers who covet the gifts of the void. From high atop her temple within the Black Empire, she transforms her most devout followers into unstoppable horrors.
Fast Tactics
- This fight has 2 phases and a last phase.
It will ping pong between the 2 phases until boss reaches 40% health, then the final phase starts. - In phase 1 you will fight boss and a Void add at pull. Smaller adds spawn from a portal that comes periodically.
- Phase 2 starts every time boss has 100 energy. Boss will fly up in the air and shoot breath down in a line from one side to the other on the platform, 3 times. You will dodge that and kill remaining adds.
- In the final phase you will fight boss and his adds for the rest of the fight. Boss will now fly up in the air anymore.
Main Tank on boss. Face it away from raid.
Off tank on all adds.
Big add (Void Ascendant) – The beam it does must hit other adds. Main tank picks up orb when it dies. Use the extra action button (a big beam) on adds when needed. This also removes the corruption stack you take from boss. This is the only way to remove the corruption.
Smaller adds
A cultist – Melee dmg. MUST be killed first. It has an energy bar. When 100 energy, it transforms to a big add. Don’t let it.
A caster – Interrupt. Kill as last prio.
HEORIC MODE – Soulcarver – Teleports to random player within 15 y then hits player closest to him. Off Tank, make sure it is you.
Debuff, run to the side wait until pool hits the ground before running back. - PHASE 2
Phase 2 happens every time boss reaches 100 energy.
Boss flies up in the air. Adds that are not dead will still be on the platform.
Boss flies to the long side edge of the platform and will be positioned in 1 out of 3 parts of the platform.
Boss breathes heated shadow liquid on the platform while traveling to the other side of the platform. This happens 3 times, then phase 1 starts again.
Dodge the breath and pools. - LAST PHASE
This phase starts when boss reaches 40% health.
Boss will no longer fly up in the air when reaching 100 energy.
All boss ability dmg on raid leaves corruption debuff that stacks.
No way to remove corruption debuff anymore.
Run away from boss ruing Heart of Darkness (pulsating circle around boss).
Stand together within 6 yards during entire phase.
HEROIC MODE – Stack on player with Desolation.
Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism on phase 3.
Abilities and Tactics
This fight has 2 phases and a last phase.
It will ping pong between the 2 phases until boss reaches 40% health, then the final phase starts.
In phase 1 you will fight boss and adds.
Phase 2 starts every time boss has 100 energy. Boss will fly up in the air and shoot breath down in a line from one side to the other on the platform, 3 times. You will dodge that and kill remaining adds.
In the final phase you will fight boss and his adds for the rest of the fight. Boss will now fly up in the air anymore.
Boss Abilities
Twilight Breath (Tanks)
Boss does frontal cone dmg.
Players hit will take shadow dmg and a Void Corruption debuff.
The Corruption debuff does low shadow dmg every 3 sec and stacks and is permanent.
Tactics - Twilight Breath (Tanks)
Make sure you are facing boss away from raid so the cone doesn’t hit them.
The debuff is permanent but can be removed if tank picks up Gift of the Void that the Void Ascendant add drops.
When using that extra action button, the tank will at the same time remove the debuff. That extra action button must be used at adds since it is a frontal beam that hits allies and enemies.
Tank with the highest debuff picks up the orb.
Despair (Tanks)
Boss puts debuff on main tank. This does moderate dmg every 1 sec for 6 sec.
When the debuff expires, it does dmg based on the targets missing health to entire raid.
Tactics - Despair (Tanks)
Healers must beware and heal up the tank fast. Missing health becomes dmg to every player.
NO tank swap. Focus tank swap when main tank gets overwhelmed with void corruption stacks.
Encroaching Shadows
Random player gets a debuff, this does dmg when applied and also dmg when its gone.
The debuff is gone after 9 sec and leaves a pool on the ground.
The pool does high dmg every sec when standing on it.
Tactics - Encroaching Shadows
Run to the long side (left/right side) and make sure the pool drops there.
Don’t run upwards or downwards, since you need this area when dodging breath in phase 2.
Main Add - Void Ascendant
This add is on pull and it will also show up when a Cultist add reaches 100 energy and transforms into a Void Ascendant.
Add does a larger beam for 5 sec. where it is facing. This does dmg to adds as well. Getting hit increases dmg taken by 25% for 6 sec and stacks.
Gift of the Void
When the add dies, it leaves an orb.
This orb removes the corruption debuff that boss puts on main tank.
This will give an extra action button. Using it does a frontal beam (similar to the one that the add does). This does dmg to allies and enemies.
Tactics – Main Add
Off Tank
The beam will follow the tank when the player moves.
One tank is on boss and the other tank on adds, including this one.
Make sure that the beam hits the adds.
Main Tank
Tank with corruption debuff picks up the orb. Once used it removes the debuff as well and the action bar is gone as well.
Make sure to use it on adds.
If tank can handle the stacks, you might wait to use it on next group off adds instead.
Dispell the Annihilation debuff on tank.
Portal Adds
Boss spawns a gateway portal periodically.
This portal does high raid dmg every time it spawns.
This portal has 3 different types off adds (2 on normal mode):
Fanatical Cultist
Does weak melee attacks.
Has an energy bar. When reaching 100, it will transform to the big Void Ascendant.
Spellbound Ritualist
Shoots void bolts on ranged players that does very high Shadow dmg. Can be interrupted.
Sinister Soulcarver (HEROIC MODE)
This add teloports to random player within 15 yards, then casts shadowy blades.
This cast does shadow dmg to nearest player every 0.4 sec for 4 sec.
This add can be stunned, but the teleport removes slow and root.
Tactics – Portal Adds
Always interrupt the caster add.
Always kill the Cultist add first before it reaches 100 energy, no matter difficulty level.
HEROIC MODE - The Sinister Add
Move away fast from the add when it teleports.
Off tank, make sure you are the closest player to take the hit.
Phase 2 happens every time boss reaches 100 energy.
Boss flies up in the air.
Adds that are not dead will still be on the platform.
Boss flies to the long side edge of the platform and will be positioned in 1 out of 3 parts of the platform.
Boss breathes heated shadow liquid on the platform while traveling to the other side of the platform.
Then turns around and does it again on another part of the platform.
The choice of side for breath is based on majority of players there.
The breath on platform happens 3 times, then boss lands and phase 1 starts again.
Getting hit by overheated shadow liquid does deadly dmg. Stepping on that liquid on the ground does moderate dmg every 0,5 sec.
Players will still get the Shadow debuff that dmg to the player leaves a pool on the ground after 8 sec.
ADD – Void Ascendant
If a cultist add is still alive when boss flies up in the air, that add will automatically become a Void Ascendant.
Tactics – PHASE 2
Mark the platform so players can call out where the boss will do breath.
Always kill the Cultist add first, especially before boss has 100 energy. You want to avoid that it becomes a Void Ascendant.
Tank the void and kill it if it spawns.
You MUST avoid the breath.
This phase starts when boss reaches 40% health.
Boss will no longer fly up in the air when reaching 100 energy.
No more Cultist adds will spawn.
Empowered Void Corruption
Any player that gets hit by any boss ability gets the Corruption debuff, that stacks and is permanent.
Tactics - Empowered Void Corruption
Healers beware
Encroaching Shadows
Random player gets a debuff, this does dmg when applied and also dmg when its gone.
The debuff is gone after 9 sec and leaves a pool on the ground.
The pool does high dmg every sec when standing on it.
Tactics - Encroaching Shadows
Run to the long side (left/right side) and make sure the pool drops there.
Don’t run upwards or downwards, since you need this area when dodging breath in phase 2.
Twilight Breath (Tanks)
Boss does frontal cone dmg.
Players hit will take shadow dmg and a Void Corruption debuff.
The Corruption debuff does low shadow dmg every 3 sec and stacks and is permanent.
Tactics - Twilight Breath (Tanks)
Make sure you are facing boss away from raid so the cone doesn’t hit them.
The debuff is permanent but can be removed if tank picks up Gift of the Void that the Void Ascendant add drops.
When using that extra action button, the tank will at the same time remove the debuff. That extra action button must be used at adds since it is a frontal beam that hits allies and enemies.
Tank with the highest debuff picks up the orb.
Terrifying Presence
If players are not within 6 yards, boss reduce their haste by 100%.
Tactics - Terrifying Presence
Stack stacked up and move together.
Heart of Darkness
Boss does 4 sec cast.
Then does deadly dmg to all players.
The further away the less dmg.
Tactics - Heart of Darkness
Run away from boss during heart of Darkness.
You will se pulsating circles around boss while she casts this.
HEROIC MODE – Desolation
Random player gets a debuff.
This slows the player by 50% for 4 sec followed by a deadly (800k) dmg that is split among players within 10 yards.
The player will also get 30 stacks of Corruption.
2 players minimum must stack on the player (3 players , boss will gain 100% increased dmg for 15 sec and also will cast it again on another player.
Tactics - HEROIC MODE – Desolation
Stack up on the player with Desolation debuff. It does 800 k dmg and must have at least 2 players stacking on the player (total 3).
Healers beware
When to bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism
On last phase (when boss reaches 40% health).
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