Order Resources is a new currency in Legion to upgrade, research or buy. Below, you will find 4 important things of why you need Order Resources and how is needed.
1) Research Order Advancement
A new thing in Legion is that you can improve your Order Hall missions. This is done by your Class Hall Upgrader. You can upgrade your class order hall 6 times and each time you upgrade, you can choose one of two traits (except for the last level, which is one trait choice only).
After unlocking the first level (via the Class Order hall quest line), it will cost you Order Resources to choose a talent (unlocking the next level). It will also take a certain time to research for the talent as well.
Level 1 costs 50 Order Resources and takes 2 hours to complete.
Level 2 costs 500 Order Resources and takes 8 hours to complete.
Level 3 costs 1000 Order Resources and takes 1 day to complete. Char level 110.
Level 4 costs 10 000 Order Resources and takes 3 days to complete. Char level 110.
Level 5 costs 12 500 Order Resources and takes 7 days to complete. Char level 110.
Level 6 costs 15 000 Order Resources and takes 14 days to complete. Char level 110.
All Class Order Halls have more or less the same type of traits, it is just the name of the talent and the type of troops/champions that differs between them.
Example of talents are
- Increases the chance for quest rewards to get rare or epic Bonus Upgrades from non-repeatable quests.
- Increase success chance against certain mobs by 20%
- Reduce mission duration of all missions by 30%.
- Increase the maximum number of troops
- Troops gets special abilities
- Reduces the cost of recruiting all troops by 25%.
- You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
All classes have the same level 6 talent:
Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
2) Research Artifact Notes
This will be one of the most important reason to farm Order Resources.
When hitting max level, you unlock Class Order Hall Researcher (you see a quest giver in you order hall). This researcher can make so that you research for artifact notes with the cost of Work Orderswhich is 500 Work Orders.
If you start playing Legion at launch at get to max level, it will take 5 days (the default time), to finish an Artifact Research.
If you log on and start playing legion later on, for example in October and hit max level, the Artifact Research will take less days to finish. Same thing goes for alts that you max level later on.
Artifact Research notes increase the amount of Artifact Power you get when opening Artifact power items. Here is an example of how it looks for one of my characters:
Level 1 research rewards 110% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 2 research rewards 120% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 3 research rewards 130% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 4 research rewards 140% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 5 research rewards 200% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 6 research rewards 275% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 7 research rewards 375% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 8 research rewards % increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 9 research rewards 650% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 10 research rewards 850% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 11 research rewards 1100% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 12 research rewards 1400% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 13 research rewards 1775% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 14 research rewards 2250% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 15 research rewards 2850% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 16 research rewards 3600% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 17 research rewards 4550% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 18 research rewards 5700% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 19 research rewards 7200% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 20 research rewards 9000% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 21 research rewards 11300% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 22 research rewards 14200% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 23 research rewards 17800% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Level 24 research rewards 22300% increase of Artifact Power when opening an Artifact Power item.
Cap for research artifact notes is 25.
I can´t confirm yet if the % increase is tied to the artifact tree progress / when you hit max level.
You can see what level you are by opening your artifact weapon trait tree and mouseover the top left corner (see pic below).
3) Class Hall Armor tier
Each class has its own tier that can be bought (when unlocked) from the Class Hall Quartermaster.
You can also upgrade all your Class Hall Amor up to 840 ilvl. The gear costs gold but it costs Order Resources to buy the upgrade armor kits.
Head – 810 ilvl (costs 500g)
Unlocks when hitting lvl 110.
Wrist – 810 ilvl (costs 500g)
Unlocks after recruiting 6 Champions for your Order Hall.
Hands – 820 ilvl (costs 500g)
Unlocks after reaching Honored with Nightfallen
Legs – 820 ilvl (costs 500g)
Unlocks after reaching Revered with 3 Broken Isles reputations.
Feet – 830 ilvl (costs 500g)
Unlocks after defeating the final boss of every Legion dungeon, on any difficulty.
Chest – 83+ ilvl (costs 500g)
Unlocks after you complete your Class Order Campaign.
Waist – 840 ilvl (costs 500g)
Unlocks after earning 50 000 Artifact Power
Shoulder – 840 ilvl (costs 500g)
Unlocks after reaching exalted with Nightfallen
Upgrade Armor Kit – 810 to 820 (costs 1000 Order Resources)
Unlocks after reaching Honored with Nightfallen, costs 5000 Order Resources to buy it.
Upgrade Armor Kit – 820 to 830 (costs 3000 Order Resources)
Unlocks after defeating the final boss of every Legion Dungeon, on any difficulty. Costs 10 000 Order Resources to buy it.
Upgrade Armor Kit – 830 to 840 (costs 6000 Order Resources)
Unlocks after reaching Exalted with the Nightfallen, costs 15 000 Order Resources to buy it.
4) Order Hall follower missions and troops
Followers in Legion are called Class Order Followers.
Each class will have their own specific followers that have the same class as the player.
The followers are divided in Champions and Troops.
You will send out followers on missions that are needed to complete quests for the class specific questline and you will also gain rewards from those missions such as Artifact Power.
It costs 50-300 Order Resources to send followers on a mission.
It costs 20 Order Resources to recruit troops.
Click here to check my full guide regarding Legion Class Order Hall Missions Guide
5) Seal of Broken Fate
You can by seals (maximum 3 per week) from Archmage Lan´dalock called Seal of Broken Fate. This seal can be used in Raids and Mythic dungeons as an extra loot chance from bosses.
First Seal costs 1000 Order Resources
Second Seal costs 2000 Order Resources
Third Seal costs 3000 Order Resources
However, now in beta at least, you can buy these seals for gold at a price of 1000 gold for first Seal, 2000 gold for second Seal and 3000 gold for 3rd seal.
Archmage Lan´dalock is located in the Violet Hold area (see map).
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