In the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, The War Within, players will have the opportunity to utilize Fragrance items and Fragrance sockets to enhance their gear. These Fragrance items offer various bonuses and can be placed in compatible gear to boost the player's stats. This guide will provide an overview of the Fragrance items available, how they scale with gear, and the specific gear item, Nerubian Pheromone Secreter, that can accommodate these Fragrance sockets.Fragrance Items and Their Effects:
Incruststible Fragrance - Grants x5 more Mastery than a normal gem
Invigorating Fragrance - Grants x5 Haste than a normal gem
Volatile Fragrance - Grants x5 Critical Strike than a normal gem
Robust Fragrance - Grants x5 Versatility than a normal gem
Scaling with Gear
Similar to some gems in the renowned MoP Remix, Fragrance items can scale their power based on the item level of the gear they are placed in. This allows players to benefit from increasingly potent bonuses as they acquire higher-level gear.
Nerubian Pheromone Secreter
The Nerubian Pheromone Secreter is a trinket that can accommodate Fragrance sockets. This trinket is obtainable from "The Severed Threads" Renown Faction and undergoes gear type progression as players reach specific Renown levels:
Renown 5: Adventurer Gear type
Renown 11: Veteran Gear type
Renown 19: Champion Gear type

Players have the option to add two fragrance sockets to the Nerubian Pheromone Secreter, allowing them to further customize and enhance their gear.
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