clearmainassist - /clearmainassist,/clearma,/mainassistoff,/maoff - Clears the current Main Assist.
clearmaintank - /clearmaintank,/clearmt,/maintankoff,/mtoff - Clears the current Main Tank.
invite - /i,/inv,/invite - Invites a player to your party or raid.
ffa - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Free-For-All.
group - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Group Loot.
master - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Master Loot.
mainassist - /mainassist,/ma - Set the main assist.
maintank - /maintank,/mt - Set the main tank.
needbeforegreed - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Need Before Greed.
promote - /pr,/promote - Promotes the given member to Party or Raid leader.
raidinfo - Shows you what instances you are saved to, along with the Instance ID.
readycheck - Performs a ready check in your raid or party.
roundrobin - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Round Robin.
threshold - Sets the loot threshold to apply loot rules.
uninvite - /uninvite,/u,/un,/kick,/votekick - Removes a player from your current party or raid.