Blizzard has released hotfixes today that address numerous class bug fixes.
Developers’ Notes: The team has identified and resolved a systemic issue that led to many class changes from patch 11.0.2 being missing in 11.0.5. These changes are now being implemented through hotfixes.
Class-Specific Changes
Death Knight
Fixed an issue where Dark Talons granted 0% haste until Icy Talons was triggered again.
Resolved an issue that restricted Wave of Souls damage debuff to only one Death Knight.
Gift of the San’layn will no longer be canceled when Vampiric Blood expires.
Demon Hunter
Corrected an issue that caused The Hunt to display an incorrect icon.
Kill Cleave will no longer persist when Beast Cleave is inactive.
Mastery: Sniper Training no longer benefits Black Arrow twice.
Mage Frost
Splintering Orbs now correctly grants 6 Splinters.
Fixed an issue that caused Worthy Sacrifice to cast Blessing of Sacrifice while it was on cooldown.
Hammer of Light’s global cooldown is now affected by haste.
Resolved an issue where Sentinel provided an excessive increase to damage and healing.
Hammer of Light no longer resets the swing timer.
Addressed an issue that prevented Darkest Night from being granted correctly.
Fixed an interaction issue between Deathstalker’s Mark and Supercharged combo points.
Ethereal Cloak no longer grants an unavailable talent.
Shaman Elemental
Lightning Rod now transfers 10% of all lightning damage dealt to targets (down from 20%).
Resolved an issue where Ascendance sent out more Lava Burst than intended to a single target.
Arc Discharge will no longer cast Tempest when the initial Lightning Bolt cast grants a Tempest.
Thorim’s Invocation now correctly increases the damage of Tempest by 20%.
Fixed an issue where Warlock spells and abilities could unexpectedly aggro out-of-combat targets.
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