Timewalking: Mist of Pandaria
Dungeons will be
- Temple of the Jade Serpent
- Stormstout Brewery
- Shado-Pan Monastery
- Gate of the Setting Sun
- Mogu´shan Palace
- Siege of Niuzao Temple
Brawler´s Guild comes back
- Dozens of new bosses
- Rumbles – chaotic raid battles
- New currency – Brawler´s gold
- New rewards
Micro Holidays
Smaller events that last for a day or two.
Special events that are
- Ahn´Qiraj Rememberance Day (January 22nd)
Alliance vs Horde fight in SIlithus to gather most Resources in entire euro or US etc. - Volunteer Guard Day
- Hatchling of the Hippogryphs
In Feralas
Happens once a year
If you see it, you may even get a small Hippogryph pet. - Boat Day
Blade´s Edge Arena Update
- Redecorating in Blade’s Edge Mountain Arena
- Your battles in Blade’s Edge will now be “shoutcast” by an ogre announcer, who will call out events of particular importanc
Class Updates
Class abilities talents etc.
Some examples are
* Increasing talent diversity
* Haste vs Mastery vs Crit (balance it so all are interesting)
* Adding/returning utility (For example: Hunter traps will return for all hunter specs)
"Legion featured one of our biggest class overhauls yet, and since launch we’ve been listening to feedback from the community and making balance adjustments—but we’ve been somewhat limited in terms of what we could change in our hotfixes and first patch. Most of the changes up to this point have been constrained to hotfix-based numerical tuning. Patch 7.1.5 is when we’re really trying to tackle some of the broader class issues.
We’re taking a look at are talent rows, so we can increase the diversity of talents. For example, in the Barrage row for Marksman Hunters, it feels like there is only one option in the row that you must take regardless of your play style. There’s room for fine-tuning, and we to make it so everyone feels like they can customize their character to their liking.
We’re also looking at the relative weightings of secondary stats such as Haste, Mastery, and Crit. These are often pretty disparate for different specs and this disparity can sometimes make it feel as if an item that should be an upgrade with a higher item level isn’t as desirable as we would like. We want to make sure the gaps between best and worst aren’t so large that they distort gameplay. We’re going to be making a lot of efforts toward that end in patch 7.1.5."
Other posts
- Blizzcon confirmed 2026, september 12-13
- Full Guide to Crafting the Void-Crystal Panther in patch 11.1.5
- Top 5 Features in Horrific Vision Revisited (Patch 11.1.5)
- Horrofic Vision BEST Tips and Trix
- Full guide on how to get the Voidfire Deathcycle mount.
- Preview of the Upcoming 11.1.5 Content Update
- Preview Guide: Horrific Visions Revisited in the 11.1.5 Update
- Unlocking the Darkfuse Solutions Reputation in Undermine
- Champion WoE Gear - The Gobfather: Undermine World Boss Guide
- Best Crafted Gear and Embellishments for Every Class -