World Quests
The ilvl reward from World Quests are based on 2 things:
- Your character ilvl
- Unlocking higher ilvl rewards with Renown levels.
In patch 9.1 we will get 40 extra levels of Renown with a total of Renown level 80.
After reaching level 40 and start leveling Renown in 9.1, you get your first World Quest ilvl increase at Renown level 46. Then again at Renown 63.
Normal Dungeon loot (184 ilvl)
There are 9 dungeons in Shadowlands at the moment.
8 of them are available in normal mode.
Heroic dungeon loot in Shadowlands (197 ilvl)
There are 9 dungeons in Shadowlands at the moment.
8 of them are available in heroic mode.
Mythic 0 dungeon loot in Shadowlands (210 ilvl)
There are 9 dungeons in Shadowlands at the moment.
All 9 of them are available in mythic 0 mode.
New Dungeon - Tazavesh (226 ilvl)
A new dungeon called Tazavesh, the Veiled Market is available in Mythic mode only. NOT mythic plus (for now). This dungeon is a "mega-dungeon" with ´8 bosses and drops 226 ilvl gear.
New Dungeon - Tazavesh HARD MODE (233 ilvl)
The new dungeon Tazavesh, the Veiled Market will be available in Hard Mode, all 8 bosses.
Mythic plus dungeons (213-252)
There are 9 dungeons in Shadowlands at the moment.
You can do all dungeons except for the newest one, Tazavesh, the veiled Market. This dungeon will be available as mythic 0 and hard mode.
In mythic plus, you get loot from the chest after killing last boss (you don´t get loot from every boss).
The weekly chest is instead a "Great Vault" in Shadowlands, that lets you choose between several types of gear based on what weekly goals you have completed.
The ilvl jump from Season 1 to Season 2 is 26 ilvl from what we can see on the raid rewards. Based on how the loot increase has changed from Season 1 to Season 2 in Shadowlands, this is how it might look in 9.1.
Keystone |
End of Dungeon loot ilvl |
The Great Vault |
+2 |
213 |
226 |
+3 |
216 |
229 |
+4 |
220 |
233 |
+5 |
220 |
236 |
+6 |
226 |
236 |
+7 |
226 |
239 |
+8 |
226 |
242 |
+9 |
226 |
242 |
+10 |
230 |
246 |
+11 |
230 |
246 |
+12 |
233 |
249 |
+13 |
233 |
249 |
+14 |
233 |
252 |
+15 |
236 |
252 |
The Great Vault - Weekly Reward
In Legion and BFA, we had one weekly mythic plus objective, which was a reward based on the highest key you have done during that week.
In Shadowlands, there are major changes in weekly objective rewards.
There are 3 main categories for getting a piece of gear each week.
- Raids
- Mythic plus
- PvP
Each main category has 3 objectives that you can complete during the week before next weekly reset.
That makes it up to 9 weekly objectives that you can do each week.
Completing all 9, well that will let you choose between loads of gear at the weekly reset.
But the reward is still only one item gear.
The ilvl rewards is based on what difficulty you completed the goal is.
For example, a Normal Raid drops 226 ilvl and if that is thie highest difficulty you complete a raid goal that week, then The Weekly Vault will reward 226 ilvl from the raid.
However, the more objectives you complete, the more choices of gear will be offered to choose from.
Raid (10 boss raid)
Defeat 3 Sanctum of Domination Raid Bosses
Defeat 6 Sanctum of Domination Raid Bosses
Defeat 9 Sanctum of Domination Raid Bosses
Mythic dungeons
Complete 1 Mythic Dungeon
Complete 4 Mythic Dungeons
Complete 10 Mythic Dungeons
Earn 1250 Conquest Points
Earn 2500 Conquest Points
Earn 6250 Conquest Points
Raid loot in Shadowlands (187-233 ilvl)
Sanctum of Domination
Raid Finder |
213 ilvl |
Normal |
226 ilvl |
Heroic |
239 ilvl |
Mythic |
252 ilvl |
PvP Vendor (184-259)
The change they have done is adding a bonus ilvl on your gear when doing that specific content the gear came from.
PvP gear is getting a +13 ilvl of the gear when doing PvP content.
"In an upcoming build of the Chains of Domination PTR, you will notice that all Season 2 PvP items have +13 item levels in PvP. This means that in PvP situations (such as battlegrounds, arenas, and war mode), the power of these items will increase by 13 item levels."
For example, a baseline ilvl of a PvP gear is 246 ilvl.
When doing PvP, that ilvl will scale up to 259 (added with 13 ilvl).
The ilvl jump from Season 1 to Season 2 is 26 ilvl from what we can see on the raid rewards. Based on how the loot increase has changed from Season 1 to Season 2 in Shadowlands, this is how it might look in 9.1
Unrated Gear (Honor Gear)
If the 26 ilvl increase from Season 1 to Season 2 is applied on Unrated gear as well, then it would look like this.
Rank | PvE | PvP |
1 | 177 | 190 |
2 | 184 | 197 |
3 | 190 | 203 |
4 | 197 | 210 |
5 | 203 | 216 |
6 | 210 | 223 |
7 | 216 | 229 |
Rated Gear (Conquest gear)
What we know is that the Duelist baseline is 246 and the ilvl pvp increase gives 259 ilvl (source)
Based on that, the conquest gear ilvl might look something like this.
Rating | PvE | PvP |
Unranked | 220 | 233 |
Combatant (1400-1599) | 226 | 239 |
Challenger (1600-1799) | 233 | 246 |
Rival (1800-2099) | 240 | 253 |
Duelist (2100) | 246 | 259 |
Shadowlands Dungeon Event (226 ilvl)
The event quest giver is located next to the Great Vault in Oribos.
By completing the quest Emissary of War, completing 4 mythic dungeons, you will be rewarded with a 226 ilvl equipment.
Profession Crafting (111 - 230 ilvl)
Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring, Engineering
Each crafted armor can be upgraded with slots (Optional reagents).
Higher ilvl crafted items can be upgraded with even several slots.
By adding special items to the slots, you can change ilvl the crafter armor with Crafter´s mark. The higher gear crafted, the higher Crafter´s Mark can be added.
Crafter´s Mark enables specific character levels to be able to wear it and can change the ilvl of the gear. Patch 9.1 comes with 2 more Crafter´s Marks.
- Novice Crater´s Mark
Sets the ilvl to 87 and the required level to 50. - Crafter´s Mark I
Sets the ilvl to 117 and requires minimum level 53 instead of level 60. - Crafter´s Mark II
Sets the ilvl to 168 and required minimum level 57 instead of level 60. - Crafter´s Mark III
Sets the ilvl to 200 and required minimum level 60. - Crafter´s Mark of the Chained Isle
Sets the ilvl to 230 and required minimum level 60.
BUT, you can only wear one of these per time.
Crafted Legendary (175-262 ilvl)
In 9.1, you will be able to upgrade Legendary gear two times:
- 249 ilvl
- 262 ilvl
There are now in total 6 ranks of upgrading legendary gear and when reaching the last two ranks, you will not use Soul Ash anymore for upgrading them.
Instead, you will use Soul Cinders a a currency for upgrading legendaries.
Check out the guide on how crafting lengedaries will work in 9.1 here.
Korthian Gear (200-233 ilvl)
You get certain type of gear in 9.1 that you get from Korthia. There is no specific name of this gear, so I will call it Korthian gear.
Korthian gear has the ilvl 200 and can be upgraded all the way to 233 ilvl.
Check out the full guide covering all that suff here.
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