Location of all profession bag patterns in the War Within

We are getting profession bags in the War Within with a special touch on it. These bags are 38-slot bags and will also have special profession specific power. 

The profession that can craft these bags are Tailors. The normal tailoring trainer will no teach how craft them so they need to find these recipes and learn how to craft them. 

Here are the location of them: 


1. Heribalism vendor

Knowledge Points
Herbalism Tool
Tailoring Pattern to craft Herbalism 38 slot bag

2. Jewelcrafting Vendor

10 Knowledge Points
Tailoring Pattern to craft Jewelcrafting 38 slot bag
Jewelcrafter Toolset
Ambivalent Amber
Haldful of Pebbles
Glittering Glass

3. Tailoring Vendor

10 Knowledge Points
Spool of Weaverthread
Mosswool Thread

4. Fishing Vendor

Fishing Pole
Strong Fishing Pole
Oversized Bobber
Whispering Squirmworm

5. Cooking Vendor

Recipe Secret Sauce
well fed gives 191 lowest 2nd stat for 15 min

Recipe. Spongey Scramble
well fed gives 191 lowest 2nd stat for 15 min

Recipe: Empress Farewell
well fed gives 273 lowest 2nd stat for 15 min

Recipe: Fine Egg Powder

6. Blacksmith / Mining Vendor

10 Knowledge Points Mining
10 Knowledge Points Blacksmithing
Tailoring Pattern to craft Blacksmithing 38 slot bag with profession power. 

7. Leatherworking / Skinning

10 Knowledge Points Skinning
10 Knowledge Points Leatherworking
Tailoring Pattern to craft Leatherworking 38 slot bag with profession power. 

8. Inscription

10 Knowledge Points Inscription
Tailoring Pattern to craft Inscription 38 slot bag with profession power. 

9. Enchanting and Inscription

10 Knowledge Points Inscription
Tailoring Pattern to craft Inscription 38 slot bag with profession power.
10 Knowledge Points Enchanting
Tailoring Pattern to craft Enchanting 38 slot bag with profession power.
Formula: Enchant Bracers - Chant of Armored Leech

10. Alchemy

10 Knowledge Points Alchemy
Tailoring Pattern to craft Alchemy 38 slot bag with profession power. 

11. Engineering

10 Knowledge Points Engineering
Tailoring Pattern to craft Engineering 38 slot bag with profession power. 

28 Jun 2024