Due to less time making guides at the moment, with a second kid and all, I have only put the tactics without image, but it will come shortly.
The nightborne astromancer Etraeus has devoted long years of research to scouring the skies of Azeroth, seeking answers to the great mysteries of the universe. His scrying has shown him worlds beyond our ken, and the power of the Nightwell allows him to draw upon the essence of those worlds to amplify his own powers.
This fight is a dps race.
This fight has 4 phases.
The 3 last phases are the main phases.
The abilities in each phase are almost called the same and have the similar patterns, but important changes.
Phase 2 is the Frost phase with frost damage.
Phase 3 is the Fel phase with fire damage.
Phase 4 is the Void phase with shadow damage.
In these phases, the tank has important tasks.
Phase 2: The tank must run out before getting hit by a frost orb then run through a group of players (3 times)
Phase 3: The tank must run out before getting hit by a Fel Orb and make sure it lands of fire pools to remove them.
Phase 4: The tank must run out before getting hit by a Void Orb and tank a big add that spawns from the orb.
In each phase the raid has important positions:
Phase 2: The raid needs to be divided in 3 groups separated from each other and positon behind boss.
Phase 3: Stack behind boss and targeted players need to run away with debuff and make sure fire pools are placed on the edge close to each other.
Phase 4: Stack behind boss and nuke adds that spawns from them.
Phase 1
Tank boss in the middle of the platform
Stack behind boss
Phase 2
Tank boss in the middle of the platform
Stand at least 6 yards from each other.
Divide the raid in 3 groups with at least 3 players in each group.
Groups need to be separated from each other.
Phase 3
Tank boss in the middle of the platform
Stack behind boss.
Phase 4
Tank boss in the middle of the platform
Stack behind boss.
Abilities and tactics
Phase 1 – Warmup phase
This phase is between 100->90% HP.
Boss has 2 abilities in this phase
- Starburst
- Coronal Ejection
Boss shoots/spams a bolt at the tank.
This does high damage.
Tactic: Starburst
Tank swap only when needed (when running out of defensive cooldowns).
Coronal Ejection
Boss creates an energy ball next to a random player.
This ball explodes after some seconds.
This does fire damage to 4 nearby players and also leaves a debuff that does fire damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
Tactic: Coronal Ejection
Tank boss in the middle.
Stack behind boss.
Use AoE heals to keep them up.
Phase 2 – Frost phase
This phase is between 90->60% HP
Boss shoots a frostbolt on the tank that does deadly damage to the target and other players within 6 yards.
Tactic: Iceburst
Maintank on left side, in front of boss.
Offtank on right side, in front of boss.
Stand at least 6 yards from each other.
Gravitational Pull/Comet Impact/Absolute Zero/Chilled/Icy ejection
- Boss puts a debuff on Main tank which is marked with a ring on the ground, around that player.
- Each 10 seconds the player is struck by an Ice Comet, 3 times (Comet Impact).
- The comet does high physical damage to any player within 5 yards of the targeted player tank), and also a debuff called Absolute Zero to the tank.
- Absolute zero does high ticking frost damage every 2 seconds and stacks.
- The debuff can only be removed when tank is standing next to 3 other players.
- The 3 players that help the tank will be affected with Chilled debuff (12 seconds)
- Chilled players will be stunned for 10 seconds IF they get close to the tank with the absolute zero debuff again.
- When the Chilled debuff is gone (after 12 sec), these players are affected by Icy ejection. This debuff does frost damage every 2 sec and slows the players. After 10 seconds the debuff shatters and does high frost damage.
Tactic Gravitational Pull/Comet Impact/Absolute Zero/Chilled/Icy Ejection
The raid needs to be divided in 3 groups with at least 3 players in each group.
Group 1 on left side behind boss.
Group 2 on right side behind boss.
Group 3, only ranged players, further back between group 1 and 2.
When a tank with debuff (Absolute zero) comes to your group, you get the Chilled debuff.
Run to the outer area of the platform when you have icy ejection, let it shatter, then run back to your position again.
When tank gets gravitational Pull, move to the left or right side of the platform (closest to you), until the comet hits.
After comet hits, run to the closest group.
When debuff is gone, run out again to the outer side of the platform until next comet hits.
After comet hits, run to the next group.
When debuff is gone, run out again to the outer side of the platform until last comet hits.
After comet hits, run to the last group.
When debuff is gone, run back to tank position.
Offtank: Taunt the boss as soon as maintank is affected with gravitational Pull.
Frigid Nova (Heroic)
Boss does high (deadly) damage to all players.
If players are standing close to each other (5y), the damage is reduced.
Maximum 4 players that stands together are counted for the dmg reduction.
Tactic: Frigid Nova (Heroic)
Stand in the same position as before (phase 1 positon)
Move to each group before boss release the Nova, then move back fast to your position.
Phase 3 - Fel Phase
This phase is between 60->30% HP
Boss shoots a Fel energy on the tank that does high fire damage.
It also does a stacking debuff that does damage every 1.5 sec for 7.5 sec.
Tactic: Felburst
Use defensive cooldown when boss shoots Felburst at you.
Tank swap when main tank gets Gravitational Pull (see below).
Fel Ejection
Boss puts a debuff on 3 players (via fel sphere).
This debuff does fire damage and also fire damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
Each tick of damage leaves a fire pool on the ground.
The fire pool (felflame) does fire damage every sec and stacks, to any player inside it.
Tactic: Fel Ejection
Entire raid stacks behind boss.
When 3 players are targeted by fel Ejection, move to the edge of the platform (all players to the same side of the platform).
Place all 4 pools close, next to each other, then run back behind boss.
Gravitational Pull
- Boss puts a debuff on Main tank which is marked with a ring on the ground, around that player.
- A Big Fel Stone will land on the tank 3 times with some seconds in between each stone.
- Each fel stone does High Physical damage and will also destroy fel pools if it lands on it.
Tactic: Gravitational Pull
Your job is to remove the fire pools from Fel Ejection, with this debuff.
If the raid place the fire pools from Fel Ejection correctly you can remove all, every time.
When you get this debuff, run to a group of Fire pools and wait until first stone hits. Use defensive CD before it hits you.
Then run to next group of Fire pools wait until first stone hits. Use defensive CD before it hits you.
Then run to the last group of Fire pools wait until first stone hits. Use defensive CD before it hits you.
Fel Nova (Heroic)
Boss does deadly/overkill damage to the raid.
The damage is reduced, the further away you are from boss.
Tactic: Fel Nova (Heroic)
Run away, fast to the edge pf the platform.
When the blast is completed, run back to position
Phase 4 - Void Phase
This phase is between 30->0% HP
Boss puts a stacking debuff on maintank.
This debuff does damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds.
When the debuff expires, it will jump to 2 other random players, who will get half of the stacked amount of the debuff.
Tactic: Voidburst
Tank swap at every 8 stack of voidburst debuff.
More and more players will get 4 stacks of the debuff.
Have healing CDs ready for use
Entire raid except tanks stack behind boss.
Void Ejection
Boss puts a debuff on 2 players.
This does high damage on hit and also when debuff expires after 8 sec.
When debuff expires, 4 adds will spawn from the players.
Adds can put voidburst debuff on their target.
Tactic: Void Ejection
Entire raid except tanks stack behind boss.
Offtank picks up the adds fast. Stun as many adds as you can so you don’t get loads of voidburst debuffs.
AoE nuke the adds that spawn fast.
Use stuns so they don’t apply the voidburst debuff.
Use Aoe healing since raid is stacked up.
Gravitational Pull
- Boss puts a debuff on Main tank which is marked with a ring on the ground, around that player.
- A stone will fall on the tank and a big add comes out from it.
- This add is called “Thing that should not be” and has 2 abilities:
* Void Shift
When the add stands close to the boss, it will cause the boss to take 99% less damage.
* Witness the Void
Does high shadow damage to entire raid.
If any player face the add when it casts this, they will be feared for 8 seconds.
Tactics: Gravitational Pull
Tank with this debuff runs away fast to the edge of the platform.
Use defensive CD when the stone hits.
Tank the add on the edge of the platform.
Turn around when the add does Witness of the Void.
Turn around then the add does witness of the Void
Use bloodlust/heroism/Timewarp
Use all offensive cooldowns you have.
Nuke the add hard and kill as fast as possible.
Void Nova (Heroic)
Boss does shadow damage to entire raid and puts a voidburst debuff to every player.
Tactics: Void Nova
This fight is a Dps race, in phase 3, especially with the Void Nova.
Nuke boss down as fast as possible.
When to use Bloodlust/Heroism/Timewarp
Use on on phase 3 when the big add spawns.
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