As usually, these tactics are my own and does not mean they are the most optimal.
Trilliax, once proud servant to the nightborne aristocracy, has been discarded and left to slowly deteriorate. While an unwavering will to carry out its tasks remains, the passage of time has splintered this construct’s personality matrix. It now unpredictably switches from one mode to the next, ranging from doting caretaker to homicidal sterilizer, craving recognition and validation from a master that no longer exists.
This fight is divided in 3 phases that goes on in a loop over and over.
- The cleaner (Phase 1), lasts for 45 sec.
In this phase you have to move in a circle and avoid pools on ground, and eat toxic slices on the ground before boss destroys them.
When phase 1 starts again, there will be adds which players need to stand next to when having a debuff so they clean the Arcane pools more efficient. - The Maniac (Phase 2), lasts for 40 sec.
In this phase you have to move in a circle and stack together. When boss jumps to the middle (and turns to different directions), you have to stand on the side of him because he shoots arcane laser in front and behind him that one hit kills you. - The Caretaker (Phase 3), lasts for 12 sec.
In this phase, boss is not hostile, and will summon adds that cleans up the pools on the ground.
The boss has 1 Ability that he uses in phase 1 and 2
- Arcane Seepage
The boss has 1 ability that he uses in phase 1 and 2
- Arcane Slash
Phase 1
Both tanks in front of boss all the time
Tank the boss on the edge of the room.
Entire raid behind boss, stand spread from each other.
Move forward (in the outer circle of the room) when you avoid mechanics. Tanks move backwards.
Phase 2
Both tanks in front of boss all the time
Tank the boss on the edge of the room.
Move forward (in the outer circle of the room) when you avoid mechanics. Tanks move backwards.
Stack behind boss until he does Annihilation.
At Annihilation, stack on the side of boss.
Phase 3
Tank boss on the outer top wall. Both tanks in front of boss.
Abilities and tactics
Arcane Seepage (phase 1 and 2)
Boss creates arcane pools at random player locations (not tanks).
Standing in the pool causes Arcane damage every second.
Tactics: Arcane Seepage
Tank boss on the outer edge of the platform
Stand behind boss all the time (not stacked)
When boss casts the Arcane pools, entire raid moves forward alongside with the outer platform.
A circle around the target location will show as a pulse first before the pool is created.
Arcane Slash (Phase 1 and 2)
Boss does Slash on two targets in front of him. The damage is very heavy.
The hit on main tank does a debuff that increases all damage taken by 35% for 30 seconds and stacks.
Tactics: Arcane Slash
Stack together in front of boss all the time.
Tank swap after 2 slashes.
Use defensive CD
Trilliax is in cleaner mode and wants to scrub the raid into oblivion.
Except for the 2 abilities (Seepage and Slash), the boss has 3 phase specific abilities during this phase:
Toxic Slice
Boss throws toxic slices of cake at random locations and does Nature damage on hit.
When a player eats this cake, gives a debuff that does damage every second for 20 sec.
This debuff stacks.
Tactic: Toxic Slice
You have to eat the toxic slice because boss will make them explode later (cleansing rage).
A mark on the ground will show the impact, move away from it.
All players will eventually more or less have to eat a toxic slice since boss does this a lot and several slices each time.
Consume a toxic slice by standing on it (touching it).
Run to a slice, then run back again to your position fast so that boss doesn’t shoot Arcane Seepage on your positon (Arcane pool under you) when you are not in your normal position.
Players can eat one each.
Non-tank players with good defensive cd can eat 2.
Never eat more than 2.
Boss puts a debuff on random player that does damage to other players within 7 yards. Arcane damage every 0.5 sec for 40 seconds.
Boss does this ability between 3rd and 1st phase as well. In 3rd phase there are scrubber adds spawning (see more info on phase 3 below).
When a player has this debuff and is close to a scrubber add, it will boost the energy of Scrubber adds so they remove the Arcane pools faster and can consume more. This will lead to that it will take longer time for Scrubbers to explode.
Tactic: Sterilize
Stand spread from each other behind boss (at least 7 yards).
This debuff has an extra mechanic that is used in phase 3: Stand close to Scrubber adds when you have this debuff, so they remove more Arcane pools on the ground. Go back behind boss when you don’t have the debuff.
Avoid the middle of the platform.
Cleansing Rage
Boss destroys the Arcane Slices that are left on the ground.
Each destroyed Slice does high damage.
Make sure that players have consumed the Arcane Slices on the ground before boss does this.
Trilliax is in maniac mode and Arcane Slash happens more often now.
Except for the 2 abilities (Seepage and Slash), the boss has 3 phase specific abilities during this phase:
Mana Rupture
A random player gets hit by Arcane damage from boss every second.
Tactics: Mana Rupture
Entire raid stacks behind boss.
Use AoE healing
Arcing Bonds
Boss binds 2 players to each other that does Arcane damage every 0.3 sec when the 2 players are not stacked to each other.
Tactics: Arcing Bonds
Make sure you are stacked with your bond friend.
Entire raid stacks behind boss.
Use AoE healing
Boss jumps to the middle of the platform and shoots lasers in front and behind him.
Boss turns around in circles and something turns to the other direction as well.
Getting hit by this laser causes deadly damage (you die).
Tactics: Annihilation
Stack on the side of boss and move accordingly so you don’t stand in front or behind.
Trilliax is in caretaker mode.
Tank the boss on the outer platform.
During this phase boss will summon adds (Scrubbers) and throw feasts called Succulent Feast.
These adds will clean Toxic Slices as priority.
If there are no Slices, they will instead clean up the Arcane pools on the ground.
When cleaning, it gains energy, and at max energy it explodes and does very high damage to entire raid.
Before it explodes it will have a casting time (Cleansing Destruction). When that cast is done, it explodes.
This can be soaked so only one player takes the damage.
Succulent Feast
Boss throws succulent feasts at player positions.
Eating a feast, gives a shield that absorbs loads of damage for 2 min.
Tactic Scrubbers and Succulent Feast
- Make sure that the Scrubber adds do NOT approach Arcane Slicer on the ground. Take them before they do, also, stun them if needed.
- Have designated players to pick up the Feasts (preferably players that can move fast)
- The player with the feast needs to right-click on the Scrubber when it casts Cleansing Destruction (a bomb icon above the add).
- Clicking on a Scrubber will make the player jump on it and destroy it. The shield from feast will save you from dying.
I haven’t tried if players can use their own talents instead of feast. IT may be handy since several adds will spawn and it can help the raid from wipe.
Maybe hunter bubble or paladin bubble can be handy here.
Sterilize (between phase 1 and 3)
Boss puts a debuff on random player that does damage to other players within 7 yards. Arcane damage every 0.5 sec for 40 seconds.
Boss does this ability between 3rd and 1st phase as well. In 3rd phase there are scrubber adds spawning (see more info on phase 3 below).
When a player has this debuff and is close to a scrubber add, it will boost the energy of Scrubber adds so they remove the Arcane pools faster and can consume more. This will lead to that it will take longer time for Scrubbers to explode.
Tactic: Sterilize
Stand spread from each other behind boss (at least 7 yards).
This debuff has an extra mechanic that is used in phase 3: Stand close to Scrubber adds when you have this debuff, so they remove more Arcane pools on the ground. Go back behind boss when you don’t have the debuff.
Avoid the middle of the platform.
When to use Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism
Use it at pull.
Because there are no timepoints in which boss is more vulnerable to damage.
Because there are less mechanics and less movements.
Because everyone will have all their spells ready and pre-pots as well.
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