When does Castle Nathria unlock/release?
Normal and Heroic Mode | December 8 US and 9 EU |
Mythic mode | December 15 US and 16 EU |
Raid finder | |
Wing 1 | December 15 US and 16 EU |
Wing 2 | January 5 US and 6 EU |
Wing 3 | January 19 US and 20 EU |
Wing 4 | February 2 US and 3 EU |
Background Story
Sire Denathrius revealed his plot to send anima into the maw and crushed the rebels that opposed him. Now, Prince Renethaul gathers his few remaining allies for a desperate mission to infiltrate Castle Nathria and remove Sire Denathrius from power once and for all.
Loot ilvl
Raid Finder |
187 ilvl |
Normal |
200 ilvl |
Heroic |
213 ilvl |
Mythic |
226 ilvl |
Castle Nathria consists of 10 bosses divided in 4 wings.
Wing 1: An Audience with Arrogance
Wing 2: Blood from Stone (Shriekwing, Sludgefist, Stone Legion Generals)
Wing 3: Revendreth´s Last Dance (Kael´thas, Artificer Xy´mox, The council of Blood)
Wing 4: The Leeching Vaults (Huntsman Altimor, Hungering Destroyer, Lady Inerva Darkvein)
Shriekwing |
Huntsman Altmor |
Hungering Destroyer |
Artificer Xy´mox |
Sun King´s Salvation |
Lady Inerva Darkvein |
The Council of BloodFast Tactics |
Sludgefist |
Stone Legion GeneralsFast Tactics |
Sire DenathriusFast Tactics |
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