Here are some examples of some good Rogue class macros:
General Rogue:
/cast FoodNameHere
/cast Stealth
Eats your food then casts stealth while eating.
/cast Kick
/stopmacro [help][dead]
/run c="Kicked %t"if UnitInRaid("player")then SendChatMessage(c, "RAID")elseif GetNumPartyMembers()>0 then SendChatMessage(c, "PARTY")end
Casts "Kick" on your target. If your target is friendly or dead, the macro stops, otherwise, it announces what target you kicked.
/cast [@focus,harm,nodead] [ ] Kick
Casts "Kick" on your focus target, if it's an enemy and not dead. If your focus is friendly, it will cast on your current target.
#showtooltip Vanish
/cast [combat] Cloak of Shadows; !Stealth
/cast [nostealth,combat] Vanish
If in combat, this will cast Cloak of Shadows, then toggle "Stealth". If in combat, this casts "Cloak of Shadows" and then
/cast [@targettarget] [help] Tricks of the Trade
If you're targeting an unfriendly target, this will cast "Tricks of the Trade" at your target's target. If your current target is
friendly, it will cast at them.
#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/cast [@focus] Tricks of the Trade
Casts "Tricks of the Trade" at your focus target, hopefully it's a tank.
/use Deadly Poison
/use 17
/click StaticPopup1Button1
Uses your "Deadly Poison" on your offhand weapon. Remember, 16 is your main hand, 17 is your off hand, and 18 is your throwing. You
can switch the item number and poison name to get the right poison on the right weapon.
/use [button:1] Instant Poison; Deadly Poison
/use [button:1] 16; 17
/click StaticPopup1Button1
This is a bit more advanced than the previous macro, but it's a one-button, two-poisons macro. If you click the macro with "button 1"
you will use "Instant Poison" on your main hand weapon. If you click the macro with anything other than "button 1", then you'll use
Deadly Poison on your offhand weapon.
/cast [@mouseover] [ ] Blind
Casts "Blind" at your mouseovered target. Works great in PvP, especically with an [@mouseover] or [@focus] "Kick" macro.
#showtooltip Evasion
/cast Feint
/cast Evasion
Casts Feint and Evasion without a global cooldown.
/cast Hemorrhage
/stopmacro [help] [noexists]
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection
Cancels Blessing of Protection when you use "Hemorrhage". You can replace "Hemmorhage" with any ability you want.
/equipslot [noequipped:Thrown] 18 ThrownWeaponNameHere
/targetnearestenemy [nodead]
/cast [equipped:Thrown] Fan of Knives
/equipslot [equiped:Thrown] 18 OtherRangedWeaponNameHere
This is great if you have a ranged weapon that is better than your thrown weapon, such as a gun or bow, but you still want to use "Fan of Knives"
without switching your weapons by rifiling through your bags during the heat of battle. This will equip your throwing weapon of choice,
then you will have to click again to cast "Fan of Knives", after it is casted, you will equip your better ranged weapon.
/focus [mod]
/cast [@harm,nocombat,stealth] Sap ; [@focus,harm,nodead] [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Blind
If you're holding down a modifier, you will set your focus to your current target. If you're not in combat, and you're in stealth stance,
you will cast "Sap" on your current target. If not, then you will cast "Blind" on your focus target, if you have one, if not, you will cast
"Blind" on your mouseovered target, if you have one.
#showtooltip Vanish
/cast Smoke Bomb
/cast Cloak of Shadows
/cast Vanish
A "ninja" getaway! Casts "Smoke Bomb", "Cloak of Shadows", and "Vanish" at the same time.
#showtooltip [stealth] Ambush; Envenom
/cast Cold Blood
/cast [stealth] Ambush; Envenom
While stealthed, this will cast "Cold Blood" then cast "Ambush" or "Envenom", without a global cooldown.
/targetnearestemey [nodead]
/cast Mutilate
This is great for almost every ability you do, just replace "Mutilate" with whatever ability you want to preform. This
targets the nearest enemy, if it's not dead, starts your melee attack, then casts "Mutilate" (or whatever ability you put in
such as "Fan of Knives", "Backstab", etc.).
#showtooltip Vendetta
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Vendetta
This uses any "use" trinkets you may have on, then casts "Vendetta".
/cast [mod] Backstab ; Mutilate
/cast [nomod] Mutilate
/cast [mod:shift] Shiv
/cast [mod:alt] Backstab
/cast [nomod] Mutilate ; Fan of Knives
/cast [nomod] Mutilate
/cast [mod:shift] Slice and Dice
/cast [mod:alt] Backstab
/cast [mod:crtl] Envenom
#showtooltip Adrenaline Rush
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Adrenaline Rush
Uses your "use" trinkets if you have one, then casts "Adrenaline Rush".
#showtooltip Killing Spree
/assist focus
/cast [@focus,help] Tricks of the Trade ;
/cast [harm] Killing Spree
Assists your focus, casts "Tricks of the Trade" on your focus, then casts "Killing Spree" on the enemy.
/targetnearestemey [nodead]
/cast Sinister Strike
This is great for almost every ability you do, just replace "Sinister Strike" with whatever ability you want to preform. This
targets the nearest enemy, if it's not dead, starts your melee attack, then casts "Sinister Strike" (or whatever ability you put
in such as "Fan of Knives", "Revealing Strike", etc.).
#showtooltip [modifier:shift] Rupture; Slice and Dice
/cast [modifier:shift] Rupture; Slice and Dice
If [shift] is held down, casts "Rupture", otherwise, it casts "Slice and Dice".
/targetnearestemey [nodead]
/cast Hemmorhage
This is great for almost every ability you do, just replace "Sinister Strike" with whatever ability you want to preform. This
targets the nearest enemy, if it's not dead, starts your melee attack, then casts "Sinister Strike" (or whatever ability you put
in such as "Fan of Knives", "Backstab", etc.).
#showtooltip Shadow Dance
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Shadow Dance
Uses your "use" trinkets, if you have one, then casts Shadow Dance.
/targetnearestenemy [nodead]
/cast Ambush
Targets your nearest, if it's not dead, then starts your attack and casts "Ambush". This is very useful if you're having trouble
putting abilities on your Shadow Dance stance bar, just put this macro somewhere where you can access it, hopefully to a keybinding.
You can put any ability you want in place of "Ambush".