Sandworn Relic is a currency used in Zereth Mortis to buy 246 ilvl gear. Check out how to buy that gear here:
How to farm Sandworn Relics
1) The Sandworn Chest
This chest is located on 60.90, 37.85,in Zereth Mortis, behind the pyramid.
This chest can be obtained once per day.
There is another chest located at 61.42, 17.64
There is a third one located at 64.82, 33.69 (see map)
There is a fourth chest located at 60.02, 25.78
How to open Sandworn chests
Once you have gathered 5 fragments, combine them and you have the key to use on the Sandworn chest.
This chest contains:
- 22 Sandworn Relics
- 6 Cyperhs of the First Ones
- 7 Anima items (35 anima in each)
Kill special mobs called Mawsworn strikers. You will find many in this area.
These mobs have a chance to drop an item called Sandworn Chest Key Fragment.
There are also other mobs suck as elite Nathrezim Acanist in the same area that also can drop it.
2) Special Rares
Special Rares drops this as loot.
One is called Akkaris and located in 64.82, 33.69 (see map)
Drops: 6 Sandworn Relics
General Zarathu
One is called Akkaris and located in 59.68, 22.02 (see map)
Drops: 4-6 Sandworn Relics
3) World Boss
This world boss is located on the north island of Zereth Mortis.
The world boss is called Antros and you can loot this boss once a week.
This boss drops
10 Sandworn Relics
256 Cyphers of the First Ones
350 Anima
How to get to the island where the world boss is
Travel to 46.08,21.68 (see map).
There is a portal there that takes you to the island and back as well.
4) Daily Quests
There are 2 daily quest per day and you can make that into 3 dailes per day if you unlock the Jiro intercation at the Cypher Research Console in Zereth Mortis (called Echial, that is under the Metrial column).
One of these quests will most of the time reward 3-4 Sandworn Relics.
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