In Shadowlands, Azeroth’s heroes journey into the realm of the dead after Sylvanas Windrunner tears open the veil between life and death. As they explore four otherworldly zones—Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Revendreth—players will meet the Covenants that rule the afterlife realms in the Shadowlands. Your final destination in the narrative arc is the shadowy realm of Revendreth.
Welcome to Revendreth
You arrive with urgent news for Sire Denathrius, the Master of Revendreth and ruler of the Venthyr. The realm is in a midst of a rebellion caused by the anima drought that’s swept over the Shadowlands. The only thing more meaningful than your survival is your discretion — you’ve walked into a den of secret keepers who are all ears as much as they are all teeth. If you are to deliver this message and save these lands you must play court and trust your instincts, for the Venthyr don’t always mean what they say and your new fickle friends can quickly turn into formidable foes.
All souls who are sent to Revendreth receive a Sinstone. Any misdeeds you’ve committed in life are inscribed upon this tombstone along with your true name. Keep its location secret and do what you must to purge any vile thing etched upon it.
Place of Pride
Revendreth is made up of seven distinct districts, each presided over by a Harvester — powerful Venthyr who have upheld the ways of this place since creation to encourage spirits to repent for their past sins. Those who are successfully reformed are presented with a choice: Return to Oribos to be sent on to another afterlife, or remain in Revendreth and become one of the Venthyr. As for those who resist redemption? They’re banished to the Maw.
Some of the Venthyr’s practices are questionable but be warned: Dissenters disappear in these dark lands.
Home to the most decadent Venthyr loyal to Sire Denathrius, the Castle Ward is dangerous to any who are unwilling to side with the Master. The nobles who reside in the inner citadel are the oldest Venthyr and have earned their place in the shadow of The Master and are kept in order by the Countess, Harvester of Desire.
When greeting the Master, show your respect by addressing him by his honorifics: Sire Denathrius, Master of Revendreth, King of the Venthyr, First Blooded, Commander of the Stoneborn, and The Fangs of the Shadowlands.

Hail a carriage to enjoy a tour of Revendreth while you rest your weary feet or hooves.
Ruled over by the Fearstalker, Harvester of Dread, the Forest Ward is comprised of hunting grounds where the Venthyr leach pride (in the form of anima) from their victims. Extraction is simple: Give victims a sense of hope and freedom then hunt them down; a harsh lesson in humility.
The first steps of Azeroth’s champions within Revendreth are in the Village Ward, Darkhaven. Lorded over by the Harvester of Envy, this humble hamlet is full of wishful dredgers and Venthyr who aspire to be welcomed into the aristocrats residing in the Castle Ward. Downwind of Castle Nathria, its citizens look on enviously as they toil away in the refuse of soul waste and desiccation of reality while the anima drought decays this place away.
Castle Nathria
Looming above all is Sire Denatrius’s fortress, Castle Nathria. This ancient stronghold houses the Master, his loyalists and—if you listen to the traitorous rebels—something sinister that could shatter societies across the Shadowlands. . .
Revendreth’s Inhabitants
Meet the denizens of Revendreth.

The vampiric Venthyr are the punishers of the unworthy and seek to rehabilitate the sinful souls sent to them by the Arbiter. Souls who are successfully rehabilitated are either sent to another realm to serve for eternity or may choose to become a Venthyr and continue the cycle as an instrument of repentance.

The Stone Legion
Carved by the Stonewright and infused with anima, vigilant Stoneborn serve their masters as soldiers with a sense of infallible loyalty forged over a lifetime of fighting side by side.
Stoneborn: These brutish gargoyles fight off the Venthyr’s enemies with an array of martial weapon skills to bludgeon enemies or use their unparalleled mobility to outflank them.
Gargons: Chiseled in the image of things that go bump in the night, these vicious quadrupeds prowl the cobblestone streets of Revendreth to maintain order, by fear or force.
Dredbats: Patrolling the skies, dredbats dutifully alert their Stoneborn brethren to attack intruders, but are more than capable of turning adversaries into lifeless husks.

Borne of the primordial muck, this browbeaten workforce serves the Venthyr with a can-do attitude for any menial task from sweeping floors to sacrificing themselves for entertainment.

Sire Denathrius
The Master of Revendreth, the calculating and methodical Sire Denathrius created the Venthyr in his likeness, forging them from the souls of the redeemed. Ancient beyond measure, the founder of Revendreth is one of the most powerful beings in all the Shadowlands. He beseeches Azeroth’s champions to help him quell the rebellion that threatens to destroy their way of life.

Prince Renathal
Once a popular courtier within Denathrius’ Court, Prince Renathal was the first Venthyr crafted by the Master’s own hand. But all that changed when the anima dried up. Convinced that the Master is behind the drought, he rallied a formidable force to lead a rebellion to succeed Sire Denathrius and make the anima flow once more. But one has to wonder if Prince Renathal might prove to be no different than the tyrant he seeks to overthrow.

General Draven
Once leader of the Storneborn, General Draven turned his back on his kin to lead Prince Renathal’s forces against Sire Denathrius.
These are but a few of the entities you’ll encounter in Revendreth. While adventuring, it's best to stay vigilant—you might even cross paths with long-passed heroes of Azeroth who now wander this world. . .
Venthyr Covenant
When players reach maximum level and have explored the first four zones, they’ll be able to pledge themselves to a Covenant, like the Venthyr. Each Covenant offers its champions abilities, along with other powers and cosmetic rewards that can be unlocked through a Covenant Campaign—an epic storyline unique to the faction. This alliance also gives the player access to a Covenant Sanctum, a hall only open to players who have forged a pact with its rulers.
Power of the Venthyr
If you choose to join the Venthyr Covenant, you’ll gain two unique abilities—one class ability used in combat, as well as a signature ability to explore the world in a new way.
Here is the signature ability that the Venthyr bestow upon their champions:
Door of Shadows: Wend through the shadows, appearing at the targeted location.
To give you an idea of what to expect, you can view a list of the Covenant signature and class abilities Please keep in mind that all these are a work in progress and may have additional changes during the course of development and testing, so all abilities shown are subject to change.
When you join a Covenant, you’ll be able to undergo an ancient rite to bind your soul to some of its most powerful members. By doing so, your character harnesses their power, gaining access to powerful bonuses. Over time, you can unlock new tiers of power and even switch Soulbinds when strategy demands it.
Venthyr Covenant Spoils
For your contributions to the Venthyr Covenant’s cause, you’ll be rewarded with several cosmetic rewards including: a mount, a pet, Venthyr-forged armor, and back attachments that will turn the heads of even the most aloof Venthyr.
Armor Up
Don specially crafted armor forged in the fires of Revendreth.

Pictured: cloth (left), plate (center), and leather gear (right).
There are more mysteries yet to unravel in Revendreth, and not all as it seems—what the Master says is one thing, and the reality is another matter entirely. As one of Azeroth’s greatest heroes, it falls to you to shine light upon the truth.
Halls of Atonement
The Halls of Atonement were once a pinnacle of redemption for the most prideful of souls. However, due to recent events they’ve fallen into darkness and succumbed to forbidden magics.
Difficulties: Normal, Heroic, Mythic
Level: 50+ (One of four level-up dungeons*)
Halkias, the Sin-Stained Goliath
Halkias, a massive golem infused with sin and anima, has been awakened by the Depraved Venthyr's machinations. The Lord Chamberlain's forces have struggled to contain it, splitting its anima across multiple sinstone golem shards.
The Lord Chamberlain's right hand, Echelon is a veteran Stoneborn soldier commanding legions of minions in the Chamberlain's name.
High Adjudicator Aleez
Within the Halls of Atonement, past the courtyard and gargoyles, is a church unlike any seen on Azeroth. The High Adjudicator presides over a congregation of spirits, separating sin from form and storing anima with the vessels of atonement.
Lord Chamberlain
The Lord Chamberlain deposed the High Accuser and wrested control of the Halls of Atonement through deceit and cruelty. Restoring the Accuser's rightful command will go far in returning stability to Revendreth.
*Halls of Atonement is a 5-player dungeon inside Revendreth.
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