General Information
You start a fresh training from 1 in Shadowlands Inscription skills.
The max level is 300 skills.
You can craft Optional Reagents. For Inscription it is
- Misssives that you craft of each secondary stat. These runes are used for adding it to the crafted legendary gear and also several armor when crafted by Blacksmith, Leatherworking and Tailoring.
- Crafter´s Mark that alters the ilvl of gear when crafted.
You have a Darkmoon Card of Death that crafts a random Darkmoon card from any of the other four sets. Occasionally make a blank card that can be used to make a random card from a specific set.
You can craft Contracts again but for Shadowlands (gain reputation with a specific faction when completing a world quest).
You can craft Vantus Runes again for Shadowland Raid bosses.
New Parchment in Shadowlands, called Dark Parchment.
In Shadowlands, you will have one trainer, Scribe Au´teshi that will teach of everything you need. At least for now before patches in the future.
Inscription trainer Scribe Au´teshi is located in Oribos (Hall of Shapes).
With milling you can crush 5 herbs to create pigments for making inks.
There are 4 new zones in Shadowlands and one city (Oribos).
There are 5 new herbs
- Deathblossom
- Marrowroot
- Nightshade
- Rising Glory
- Vigil´s Torch
- Widowbloom
Herbs can be milled into 2 types of pigment.
Ink is needed as a Reagent for everything you want to make regarding Inscription.
There are 3 types of ink:
- Luminous Ink - created from Luminous Pigment, commonly milled from all Shadowlands herbs
- Umbral Ink - created from Umbral Pigment, commonly milled from all Shadowlands herbs
- Tranquil Ink - created from Tranquil Pigment, milled from rare Shadowlands herbs
Darkmoon Cards and Trinkets
- Darkmoon Card of Death (80 skill)
Craft the Darkmoon Card from the Indomitable Voracity, Putrescence or Repose sets.
Occasionally make a blank card that can be used to make a random card from a specific set.
Craft random card of following below. Collect a full set to get the trinket.
- Darkmoon Card of Putrescence (80 skill)
- Darkmoon Card of Repose (80 skill)
- Darkmoon Card of Indomitable (80 skill)
- Darkmoon Card of Voracity (80 skill)
In Shadowlands, the trinkets were passives/procs.
In Shadowlands, the trinkets are on use with a 3 min cooldown.
The ilvl on trinkets are 165.
Darkmoon Deck: Putrescence (Ranged Dps trinkets)
Use: Cause the target to explode with energy, dealing 21060 Shadow damage split evenly to all enemies within 10 yards. Enemies hit are 5-15% more likely to be critically hit by you. The critical strike chance amount depends on the topmost card of the deck. Lasts 10 sec. (3 Min Cooldown)
Darkmoon Deck: Repose (Healing trinket)
Use: Project a web of healing energy forward, healing allies that touch it for 14110. The width of the web depends on the topmost card in the deck. (3 Min Cooldown)
Darkmoon Deck: Indomitable (Tanking trinket)
Use: Surround yourself with a phalanx of 5 shields. Attacks against you destroy one shield, reducing the damage taken from the attack up to 500-1500. The amount reduced depends on the topmost card in the deck. Lasts 10 sec. (3 Min Cooldown).
Darkmoon Deck: Voracity (Melee Dps trinket)
Use: Drain Haste from the target and empowering yourself for the same. The amount drained depends on the topmost card in the deck. Lasts 10 sec. (3 Min Cooldown)
Everything you can Craft
- Luminous Ink (1 skill)
- Umbral Ink (1 skill)
- Tranquil Ink (35 skill)
Optional Reagents: Craft a Missive
An Optional reagent that guarantees a crafted weapon or armor will have that specific secondary stat.
- Rune of Critical Strike (40 skill)
- Rune of Haste (40 skill)
- Rune of Mastery (40 skill)
- Rune of Versatility (40 skill)
Optional Reagents: Crafter´s Mark
Before crafting an armor, you can add Optional Reagents.
One of them can be to increase the ilvl. This is done with the Crafter´s Mark item.
Inscription can craft 3 types of Crafter´s Mark
- A Novice
Sets the ilvl to 87and the required level to 50.
- A common – Crafter´s mark I
Sets the ilvl to 117 and requires minimum character level 55
- A rare – Crafter´s mark II
Sets the ilvl to 168 and required minimum character level 60
To get the patterns, there are some requirements.
Novice Crafter´s mark
Skill level 40
Crafter´s mark I
Skill level 45
Crafter´s mark II
Skill level 100
Revered reputation with The Avowed. Costs 50 Sinstone Fragments. Sold by Archivist Janeera in Ravendreth.
Sinstone fragments are looted by mobs in Halls of Atonement in Ravendreth. Not needed to enter the dungeon, just kill mobs in that area.
Books & Scrolls
This requires a Virtuoso Inking Set.
- Codex of the Still Mind (50 skill)
All nearby players can adjust talents. - Tome of the Still Mind (15 skill)
Allows you to adjust talents for 1 min. - Writ of Grave Robbing (10 skill)
Allows opening locks up to 625 lockpicking skill.
Allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in Shadowlands.
In Battle for Azeroth expansion, the contract lasted for 7 days for the specific faction.
- Contract: Court of Harvester (60 skill)
- Contract: The Ascended (60 skill)
- Contract: The Undying Army (60 skill)
- Contract: The Wild Hunt (60 skill)
- Darkmoon Card of Death (80 skill)
Craft the Darkmoon Card from the Indomitable Voracity, Putrescence or Repose sets.
Occasionally make a blank card that can be used to make a random card from a specific set.
Craft random card of following below. Collect a full set to get the trinket.
- Darkmoon Card of Putrescence (80 skill)
- Darkmoon Card of Repose (80 skill)
- Darkmoon Card of Importable (80 skill)
- Darkmoon Card of Voracity (80 skill)
Vantus Runes
- Vantus Rune: Castle Nathria
Increasing your Versatility by 40 when fighting a specifically chosen boss.
This last for a week.
Can only use one Vantus Rune per week.
- 100 ilvl - Soul Keeper´s Column (25 skill)
- 100 ilvl - Soul Keeper´s Spire (25 skill)
- 100 ilvl - Newly Departed Tome (20 skill)
- 1 ilvl - Fae Revel Masque (90 skill)
Mass Milling
This skill makes you be able to mill multiple.
- Mass Mill Deathblossom (30 skill)
- Mass Mill Marrowroot (30 skill)
- Mass Mill Nightshade (30 skill)
- Mass Mill Rising Glory (30 skill)
- Mass Mill Vigil´s Torch (30 skill)
- Mass Mill Widowbloom (30 skill)
Gold farm with Inscription
Here are some juicy ways to farm gold with Inscription.
- Contracts were sold very good in BFA.
- If you can find a way to get reputation fast to be able to craft the contract, you can make tons and tons of gold.
Darkmoon Deck /Darkmoon trinket
- Inscription is the only profession that can craft that many trinkets
- There are trinkets for tank, ranged dps, melee dps and healing.
- Crafted legendary gear can be created for all slots except for trinkets, which means there is a huge slot piece that players need to fit. Perfect for the Darkmoon trinket.
- Players need a good trinket early in an expansion, the Darkmoon trinkets are very good.
- You only get crappy trinkets during leveling up and trinkets from dungeons by luck. Therefore, a Darkmoon trinket is something many payers will go for.
Missives (Runes)
- Everyone will need Missives.
- When players craft a gear from Blacksmithing, leatherworking or Tailoring they need Missives to add secondary stats.
- When EVERYONE crafts a legendary gear, they need Missives to add for the secondary stat they need for their legendary gear.
Other posts
- Guide: How to Obtain and Understand the Faceless Mask of Vengeance in Revisited Horrific Vision
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- Guide: How to Obtain and Understand the Faceless Mask of the Nemesis in Revisited Horrific Vision
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- Beware of Collaborating with MrGM: A Disturbing Pattern of Unethical Behavior
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- 11.1.5 Gold Farm Guide - PREP to bathe in Gold