In Shadowlands, there are 4 reputation factions.
- Ascended (Zone: Bastion)
- Wild Hunt (Zone: Ardenweald)
- Undying Army (Zone: Maldraxxus)
- Court of Harvesters (Zone: Revendreth)
Where are the reputation vendors?
It is very important that you do not mix the reputation vendor and the Renown vendor. Those are two different vendors.
The reputation vendor is the vendor that sells stuff cased on your reputation with all the 4 factions.
The renown vendor is the vendor that sells stuff based on what your renown is for your covenant that you picked.
The reputation vendors are located in each zone (as we covered before), but you will also find all 4 in the Enclave in Oribis (se picture below).
The reputation vendor for Ascended is located in Hero´s Rest in Bastion.
The questermaster is called Adjutant Nikos.
Court of Harvesters
The reputation vendor for Court of Harvesters is located in Darkhaven in Ravendreth.
Inside the Sinposium.
The quartermaster is called Mistress Mihaela.
The Wild Hunt
If you are Night Fae
The reputation vendor for Court of Harvesters is located in Darkhaven in Ravendreth.
Inside the Sinposium.
The quartermaster is called Mistress Mihaela.
If you are not Night Fae
The quartermaster is called Mistress Mihaela.
She is located outside the big tree in the Heart of the Forest.
Undying Army
If you have Necrolord as your covenant
The vendor is located inside your covenant.
If you don´t have Necrolord as your covenant
The reputation vendor for undying army is located in Theater of Pain in Maldraxxus.
The quartermaster is called Nalcorn Talsen
How to farm Reputation in Shadowlands
- Side Quests
Quests that are not tied to the main story line rewards reputation for that covenant zone you are questing in. - Weekly quests
There are 6 weekly quests in total that rewards 350 reputation on any of the 4 factions. You choose which faction you want the reputation.
2 Normal Mode Dungeons
2 Heroic Mode Dungeons
2 PvP quests
The weekly quests are given from NPC´s in Oribos.
The PVP quest is located next to the covenant room, next to PvP vendor.
The dungeon quests are located on the small room furthest down. You get there by taking the stairs down, near the hearthstone NPC in Oribos. - World Quests
Completing World Quests in the zone tied to the reputation faction rewards in general 75 reputation.
Some world quests can also give 100 reputation as a quest reward. Meaning, you can get 175 reputation in total. - Contracts
Contracts are something that the inscription profession can make.
They will be able to make contract for each reputation faction.
They can be sold on the action house.
If you use a contract, you will get a buff for 7 days that will reward extra reputation on any completed World quest in Shadowlands, for that specific reputation faction that contract is for. In Battle for Azeroth expansion, it rewarded 10 extra reputation. - Callings Quests
The Emissaries are removed in Shadowlands but these calling quests are little bit similar to emissaries.
There is one new Calling per day.
A calling quest last for 3 days.
You get calling quests from your covenant.
Each calling rewards 1500 rep to the faction that you are helping.
Reputation Rewards
Ascended - Rewards
Inscription, Technique: Codex of the Still Mind
Set out a codex, allowing nearby players to adjust their talents.
Blacksmithing, Plans: Shadowsteel Helm
Legendary Power – Memory of the Arbiter´s Judgment
Inscription, Technique: Contract: The Ascended
Enter a contract with The Ascended that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the Shadowlands.
Engineering, Schematic: PHAZ-YNX
Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Pet, Golden Vulpin
Mount, Bastion Larion Gold
Court of Harvesters - Rewards
- Toy, Sinvyr tea set
Serve tea - Legendary Power
- Jewelcrafting, Design – Revitalizing Jewel Doublet
- Inscription, Technique: Contract: Court of Harvesters
Teaches to craft a contract with Court of Harvesters that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the Shadowlands. - Cooking, Recipe – Feast of Gluttonous Hedonism
Teaches you to craft a Feast up to 30 players.
Restores health and mana and after 10 sec you become well fed and gain 72 in a stat for 1 hour. - Leatherworking, Pattern – Heavy Desolate Hide
Teaches you to craft Heavy Desolate Hide for 10 Desolate Hide. - Pet, Court Messenger Scroll
- Tabard, Court of Harvesters
- Mount: Court Sinrunner Reins
The Wild Hunt - Rewards
- Pet, Floofa
- Crane Soul
Begins a quest - Leatherworking pattern: Heavy Desolate Armor Kit
- Enchanting: Sacred Shard
Teaches to convert Eternal Crystal into Sacred Shards.
- Inscription, Technique: Contract: The Wild Hunt
Teaches to craft a contract with The Wild Hunt that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the Shadowlands. - Alchemy, Recipe: Eternal Cauldron
Creates a cauldron that raid membets can use to gain the benefit of a flasj appropriate to their class and talents. Has 30 uses. - Back – Faewoven Pack
- Illusion: Hunt´s Favor
Weapon enchantment appearance. - Tabard of the Wild Hunt
- Mount – Dusky Sporeflutterer
Undying Army - Rewards
- Pet, Animated Radius
- Engineering, Schematic: Worlmhole Generator: Shadowlands
Learn to make a toy that opens a wormhole that allows players to use a portal to several fixed locations in shadowlands. - Tailoring: Pattern – Shadowlace Cloak
- Blacksmithing: Plans – Shadowsteel Pauldrons
- Inscription: Contract – The undying Army
Teaches to craft a contract with The undying army that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the Shadowlands. - Illusion: Undying Spirit
Collect the weapon enchantment appearance of undying spirit. - Pet, Toenail
- Back, Barbarous Osteowings
Must be member of The undying army.
- Mount, Death Fetish
Must be member of The undying army. - Tabard, Colors of the Undying Army
- Mount: Reins of the Umbral Bloodtusk
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