In the latest round of hotfixes, Delves have once again received adjustments, resulting in a reduction of health for elite enemies (such as the Nerubian Webspinner and Kobold Taskfinder), minibosses, and main bosses!
Here’s what we’ve discovered so far in solo play, though we’re uncertain how these changes affect group dynamics:
Elite foes like the Nerubian Webspinner and Kobold Taskfinder have seen a health reduction of 30%, bringing their total down to 20.2M (previously 28.9M) at Tier 8.
Bosses, including Waxface, now have their health reduced by 16.5%, dropping to 57.8M (was 69.3M) at Tier 8.
Minibosses have also been affected, but we currently lack specific figures for those adjustments.
Standard mobs with health under 11M remain unchanged.
These changes should make soloing Delves a bit more manageable, although there’s still a significant amount of health to whittle down, particularly when playing alone. If anyone has insights on how this impacts group content, please share your thoughts in the comments!
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