How to reach Tahkwitz RARE mob in Zereth Mortis

This bird rare is located flying on top of a mountain in 49.79, 38.39.


You can get up there in different ways.

  • If you leap then you jump up block by block until you are up.
  • If you are venthyr and use the teleport ability block by block until you are up.

  • Reach chapter 6 on the main story line in which you get a quest called Match Made in Zereth Mortis. This gives you the ability to teleport to different locations.

    Once you complete this, head to 51.23, 28.77 (see map). Kill mobs on the gray circles and run over the orbs to increase your energy bar to 30 energy.

Once you complete this, head to the cave entrance at 50.65, 31.79 (see map) and choose Ultimus Locus. Once you teleport up there you head to the direction where the rare is.

3 Feb 2022