When is Legion Timewalking
On the PTR calendar. we see Legion Timewalking on 7th of December for US and 8th of December for EU.
How long is Legion Timewalking
Legion Timewalking will last for 2 weeks on the first time it comes out and then it will last for 1 week like the other timewalking events.
What dungeons are in Legion Timewalking
We have 6 dungeons added in the Legion Timewalking event.
Black Rook Hold
Eye of Azshara
Darkheart Thicket
Vault of the Wardens
Neltharion’s Lair
Court of Stars
What level is required for Legion Timewalking
Players level 50 or higher can access the Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down.
How do I enter a legion Timewalking dungeon
Open your Group Finder and click ion the scroll down menu next to “Type”. You will find “Random Timewalking Dungeon (Legion)”.
Join as party.
Is there a Mythic + Legion Timewalking
Yes, you will be able to do the six dungeons in mythic plus difficulty.
How do I enter a Mythic plus Legion Timewalking
Talk to the NPC Ta’hsup in Oribos.
This NPC is located next to the Great Vault in Oribos.
This NPC has a quest called "Timeworn Keystone" that is needed to take to get a Tomeworn Keystones.
You start with a +2 keystone once you accept the quest.
That keystone will last for the entire Legion Timewalking event.
Do we scale down to legion level on M+?
No, you do not scale down to the dungeon. The dungeon is being scaled up to you.
Can we use lower level power gear?
When doing normal timewalking dungeons, than you scale to that level and you can use borrowed power gear such as Heart of Azeroth necklace from BFA, or the legendary back from Mist of Pandaria. You can do the same when
However, when doing a mythic plus legion timewalking, you can only use the gear that you have on the current expansion, since the dungeon is scaled up to you, not the other way arround. Meaning, you cannot use lower level borrowed powers, only shadowlands powers.
What are the affixes in Legion Mythic+ Timewalking dungeons
Legion Mythic plus dungeons via the Timeworn Keystone have their own set of affixes.
What are the rewards from Mythic+ Timewalking dungeons
The reward loots are from Legion dungeons but with the same ilvl as Shadowlands Mythic+ dungeons. They can also be upgraded with Valor.
The M+ Timewalking dungeons are also added to the Great Vault reward. However, items from Legion dungeons will not appear in the Great Vault.
Can Legion Mythic+ dungeon gear be upgraded with Valor Points
Yes, items that you get from the Mythic plus dungeons can be upgraded with Valor Points
Where is the Legion Timewalking vendor
The vendor NPC is called Aridormi and located in Krasus landing in Legion Dalaran, next to the flight path.
What does the Legion Timewalking Vendor sell
Favor of the Val´sharah Hippogryph
Costs: 5000 Timewarped Badges
Nightborne Guard's Vigilance.
Become suspicious of your surroundings. Reduced cooldown for Nightborne.
Costs: 1500 Timewarped Badges
Replica Aegis of Aggramar
Costs: 3000 Timewarped Badges
Suramar Guard's Shield
ilvl 164
Costs: 35 Timewarped Badges
Nightborne Arcshield
ilvl 164
Costs: 35 Timewarped Badges
Argussian Reach Longbow
ilvl 164
Costs: 100Timewarped Badges
ilvl 164
Costs: 50 Timewarped Badges
Nightborne Arcsaber
ilvl 164
Costs: 50 Timewarped Badges
Duskwatch Arcblade
ilvl 164
Costs: 50 Timewarped Badges
Warpcaster's Staff
ilvl 164
Costs: 100 Timewarped Badges
Chest Shoulder and legs for cloth/mail/leather/plate
ilvl 164
Chest and legs Costs: 25 Timewarped Badges
Shoulder Costs: 35Timewarped Badges
Profession Materials
Each one costs 25 Badges each.
Broken Isles Meat Delivery
Broken Isles Fish Delivery
Broken Isles Herb Delivery
Broken Isles Cloth Delivery
Broken Isles Ore Delivery
Broken Isles Leather Delivery
Broken Isles Gem Delivery
Broken Isles Enchantment Delivery
Sargerei Blood Vessel
Contains Blood of Sargeras
Costs: 150 Timewarped Badges
Insignias that rewards 250 reputation when used.
Court of Farondis
Highmountain Tribe
Argussian Reach
Army of the Light
Upgrade to level 35 weapon
Costs: 750 Badges
Upgrade to level 35 armor, trinket, shield or off-hand
Costs: 900 Badges
Upgrade to level 40weapon
Costs: 1000 Badges
Upgrade to level 40 armor, trinket, shield or off-hand
Costs: 1200 Badges
Upgrade to level 45 weapon
Costs: 1000 Badges
Upgrade to level 45 armor, trinket, shield or off-hand
Costs: 1200 Badges
Upgrade to level 50 weapon
Costs: 1000 Badges
Upgrade to level 50 armor, trinket, shield or off-hand
Costs: 1200 Badges
Upgrade to level 60 weapon
Costs: 1000 Badges
Upgrade to level 60 armor, trinket, shield or off-hand
Costs: 1200 Badges
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