Check out when you can join for Raids and Mythic plus! Moudi runs several viewer Raids a week and now when Uldir is out, there will be normal mode runs followed by Heroic runs later.
Mythic plusis also out now and we will push keys as far as we can together. More experienced players will skip the pug world and join each other here with me and cap keys. Less experienced players will no longer wait for that chance to get an inv on pugs and join each other here with me and go as far as we can.
You will play with a great variety of players, funny, helpful, shy, strict, experienced/less experienced and have a great time! And ye, get the loot, pets, mounts and all that good stuff!
Uldir - Alliance Viewer Raid
Uldir - Horde Viewer Raid
Uldir – Horde Viewer Raid
Mythic Plus Marahon runs with viewers
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