Blizzard has released hotfixes for the War Within as of September 19th! To end the effect of Concoction: Kiss of Death, players will now need to jump.
September 19, 2024
Fixed an issue where disconnecting or logging off in a bountiful delve would fail to spawn the bountiful chest upon later completing the delve.
Concoction: Kiss of Death now requires players administering the antidote to jump instead of using the trinket again.
Rail Carts will no longer affect player pets.
Dungeons and Raids
Necrotic Wake
Addressed an issue where Stichflesh's Creation's Meat Hook can affect unintended units.
Nerub-ar Palace
Infest will no longer fail to cast if the Queen's target dies during the cast sequence.
Resolved an issue where the map tooltip for the Theater Troupe event was displaying incorrect information about the current play.
Items and Rewards
Spymaster's Web active effect is now removed upon starting an encounter or Mythic+ dungeon.
Treacherous Transmitter shared cooldown increased to 30 seconds.
Player versus Player
Resolved an issue that prevented Battleground Blitz from granting progress towards the Vicious Skyflayer mount.
Players will no longer be blocked from completing " A Shot at the Top" if they engage Abductor Arzda from too far a distance.
Fixed an issue causing credit to not be granted to players in raid groups during certain Worldsoul weekly wrapper quests.
The Coreway Repair Rig in the " Coreway Maintenance Request" World Quests now properly transitions into flight mode, allowing it to fly down the Coreway.
" Hallowfall Fishing Derby" can now be completed on multiple characters, awarding 3 Mereldar Derby Marks.
" Klaskin's Great Escape" wrap-up events should no longer block players who wander off without watching the resolution of Klaskin and his wife.
The quests that lead to story mode for Nerub-ar Palace should now display on the zone map if players have ‘Local Story' enabled in their map filters.
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