When is 10.2.5 Coming

It was 3 weeks between the 10.2 Release Candidate Build and the release of 10.2. If we use the same logic with 10.2.5, it means that it will be released on the 2nd of January. But since that is very tight to the end of christmas holidays and new year, that seems unlikely. So let´s take a look at the week(s) after.

The Outland Cup will be out on the 18th of January based on the calendar. This should mean that 10.2.5 will come out before then. This was actually changed from 11th to the 18th just some day(s) ago, which should mean that it is tied to the realse of 10.2.5.

So basically we have a window of 2nd, 9th or 18th of January for the release of 10.2.5. 


18 Dec 2023