- Evoker
- Preservation
- Fixed an issue that could cause Rewind and Golden Hour to heal for unintended values when multiple Preservation Evokers are in a group or raid.
- Preservation
- Rogue
- Assassination
- Fixed an issue that prevented Kingsbane from being modified by certain effect types. This notably included: The Rogue’s recent all ability damage reduction, Elaborate Planning’s damage modifier, and Master Assassin’s critical strike chance modifier.
- Assassination
Dungeons and Raids
- Vault of the Incarnates
- Fixed an issue where Vantus Runes were not logging in advanced combat logs.
- Kalecgos now summons a portal allowing players to travel from The Primal Bulwark to The Outer Seal after Eranog has been defeated.
- Unstable Earth’s Earth Detonation damage reduced by 40% on all difficulties.
- Unstable Frost’s Frost Detonation damage reduced by 40% on all difficulties.
- Unstable Flame’s Flame Detonation damage reduced by 36% on all difficulties.
- Unstable Storm’s Storm Detonation damage reduced by 36% on all difficulties.
- Removed Living Flame and Primal Stormsentry from the first group of enemies on the way to Kurog Grimtotem after defeating Sennarth on all difficulties.
- Fixed an issue with the Primalist Flamecaller on the way to Kurog Grimtotem where it did not regenerate health after leaving combat on all difficulties.
- Awakened Juggernaut’s Colossal Smash damage reduced by 20% on all difficulties.
- Awakened Juggernaut health reduced by 17% on all difficulties.
- Primal Stormsentry’s Electric Surge damage reduced by 20% and the time between casts increased on all difficulties.
- Fixed an issue where lava from the Djaradin did not project on stairs properly on all difficulties.
- Reduced the start/end size and growth rate of the lava from the Djaradin on all difficulties.
- Raszageth
- Thunderous Blast can no longer damage pets.
- Raszageth’s health has been reduced by 5% on Mythic difficulty.
- Stormsurge’s Shield has been reduced by 50% on Mythic difficulty.
Player versus Player
- Mage
- Ring of Fire will now more consistently apply to enemies who are standing still.
- Solo Shuffle
- 100 wins above 2400 rating in Solo Shuffle now awards the title of “Legend” and the Legend: Dragonflight Season 1 achievement.
- War Mode
- The following changes have been made to Qalashi Wingshredder:
- Cooldown reduced to 1 minute (was 2 minutes).
- Cast time reduced to 1 second (was 2 seconds).
- Range increased to 300 yards (was 200 yards).
- Time for the ability to reach the target changed to 1 second (was based on distance travel time).
- The following changes have been made to Qalashi Wingshredder:
- Fixed an issue where items in the player’s bank were not considered valid targets for salvaging.
- Valdrakken
- The weekly “Relic Recovery” and “Preserving the Past” dungeon quests will now appear on the map for Valdrakken.
- Iskaara Tuskarr
- Community Feast bosses should now reliably reward the correct amount of reputation when killed.
Other posts
- Guide to Obtaining the Nesting Swarmite Mount in 11.1.5
- The Void-Crystal Panther is Warbound
- 11.1.5 Gold Farm Guide - PREP to bathe in Gold
- Step by step Guide: How to get the Void-Forged Stallion's Reins mount
- Blizzcon confirmed 2026, september 12-13
- Full Guide to Crafting the Void-Crystal Panther in patch 11.1.5
- Top 5 Features in Horrific Vision Revisited (Patch 11.1.5)
- Horrofic Vision BEST Tips and Trix
- Full guide on how to get the Voidfire Deathcycle mount.
- Preview of the Upcoming 11.1.5 Content Update