Wow Tokens will be released in the America region (North America, Oceania, and Latin America) when 6.1.2 is released. Other game regions will be released some week(s) after.
Each game region will have its own shared WoW token Exchange (Americas, Europe, Korea, Taiwan, and China).
It will be through the Game Time tab in action house. Normal action house is realm based, but the Game Time tab will be Game Region based.
How much will it cost?
In America region, the price of a Token will be $20 USD
When purchased, you can sell it in game through the Game Time tab in action house.
Blizzard will set the gold value of WoW tokens in the beginning and will be based on several factors such as regional in-game economies.
Later on, the price will be based on how the business goes. (More WoW Tokens are being listed than are being purchased, the price will automatically drift downward over time. If people are purchasing Tokens from the Auction House faster than they’re being put up for sale, then prices will go up)
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