The Sisters of the Moon served as wardens for the temple long before the avatar of Sargeras
was buried beneath it. Even in death, the sisters maintained their vigil, but over the millennia
something twisted their ability to distinguish friend or foe. Their madness slowly consumed
them, and now any who enter their sacred chambers are put to death.
• In this encounter, you will fight 3 bosses, but one at a time.
• The bosses share health.
• The fight is divided in 3 phases, attacking one boss per phase.
• While fighting one of them, the other bosses are immune to damage and moves around
on the outer area of the platform in a ghostly appearance.
• The other bosses will use abilities on you as well.
• You will start by fighting The Huntress (phase 1)
• After 70% you will fight Captain (phase 2)
• After 40%, you will fight Priestess (phase 3).
• The ground will change color (dark and light) by moving from right to left side (like
sunlight on the moon).
• When standing in dark you take more damage to Shadow.
• When standing in light, you take more damage to Arcane.
The tactic in this fight is to master these debuffs.
The special ability comes from bosses that are immune to damage (ghostly ones).
Phase 1
You will attack The Huntress.
Captain and Priestess are ghostly.
Captain uses the special ability (Incorporeal Shot)
Heroic/Mythic: Captain and Priestess (Eclipse) uses the special ability
Phase 2
You will attack Captain.
Priestess uses the special ability (Eclipse)
Heroic/Mythic: Priestess and Huntress (Glaive Storm) uses the special ability.
Phase 3
You will attack Priestess.
Huntress uses the special ability (Glaive Storm).
Heroic:/Mythic Huntress and Captain (Incorporeal Shot) uses special ability.
Positioning and Font of Elune
Tank the boss on the top part of the room.
You will switch between left and right side of the room based on light or dark color on the
Tactic is below (Font of Elune).
Stand on the side of boss, not behind.
You will switch between left and right side of the room based on light or dark color on the
Tactic is below (Font of Elune).
Stand behind boss further back, and spread from each other.
You will switch between left and right side of the room based on light or dark color on the
Tactic is below (Font of Elune).
Font of Elune (Light and dark color on the ground)
The color of the floor changes like the sun light on the moon.
Lunar Suffusion
Standing on the light side of the moon, will put a stacking debuff which increase Arcane
damage taken by 5% every tick.
Every tick Is every 3 seconds.
Umbra Suffusion
Standing on the dark side of the moon, will put a stacking debuff which increase Shadow
damage taken by 5% every tick.
Every tick Is every 3 seconds.
If a player switches from one side of the moon, to the other, it clears all stacks and does
shadow damage (Astral Purge).
Tactic: Font of Elune
• A new color starts every 30 seconds.
• When the color changes, it takes over the room moving from right to left.
• You want to be on the end of a color and then of the beginning of a new color, this
way you will minimize the amount stacks.
• At pull Start on left side of the room.
• When you get a new debuff (around 10 stacks of previous debuff), move to the right
side of the room.
• When you get a new debuff (around 8-10 stacks of previous debuff), move to left side
of the room again.
(Crossing colors does minor damage,(in heroic) called Astral Purge).
When you get a new debuff (around 10 stacks of previous debuff), move to the right side of
the room.
When you get a new debuff (around 8-10 stacks of previous debuff), move to left side of the
room again.
Abilities and tactics
Phase 1 – The Huntress
Huntress Kasparian (Phase 1)
You will fight the Huntress Kasparian while the 2 other bosses are immune to damage
and moves around the outer area of the platform in a ghost appearance.
Twilight Glaive
Huntress targets a random player direction.
Throws a glaive that bounces back to the boss after hitting the player of the wall behind the
This does Shadow damage to anyone it hits.
Tactic: Twilight Glaive
Melee on the side of boss all the time.
Ranged behind boss, spread out.
Boss phases your direction before she shoots the glaive at your position, move away and wait
for it to bounce back to boss before moving back to position again.
Moon Glaive
Boss throws a glaive that bounces between up to 3 targets and does high physical TOTAL
The first target it hits gets a debuff (Discorporate).
This debuff lasts for 30 sec and decrease healing taken by 75%.
Tactic: Moon Glaive
Tank swap each Discorporate.
Your debuff will be removed when you switch side to side (see Font of Elune Tactic).
Captain Yathae Moonstrike (Phase 1)
This boss can´t be tanked on phase 1.
She will run around the outer platform using abilities on players.
Her special ability is called Incorporeal shot which she does approx. every 1.5 min
seconds, when light color has cover the entire platform.
Incorporeal Shot
She aims a special shot at a player.
A big flash light will appear between the Captain and the player.
After 5 seconds, she shoots and does overkill Shadow damage.
The damage is split between players that are standing in the light between Captain and
targeted player.
Tactic: Incorporeal Shot
• This ability happens every 50 seconds, when the entire room is covered in light
(Arcane debuff)
• Targeted player stands still.
• Other players run and stands in the light between the Captain and targeted player to
share the damage.
Twilight Volley
Captain shoots a rain of arrows on random player location (preferably ranged).
This does shadow damage every 1.5 sec.
Tactic: Twilight Volley
Make sure you are spread from each other.
Move away from arrows and stay spread from others again.
Shadow Shot
Captain targets a random player and shoots an arrow that does Shadow damage.
Priestess Lunaspyre (Phase 1)
This boss can´t be tanked on phase 1.
She will run around the outer platform using abilities on players.
Heroic Mode:
Her special ability is called Embrace of the Eclipse, which she does approx. every 1.5
min seconds, when light color has cover the entire platform.
This special ability is not on normal and LFR during phase 1 (only in phase 2).
Special Ability: Embrace of the Eclipse
Priestess puts a shield on Huntress (The attackable boss).
This shield absorbs 30 million damage.
Priestess also puts a debuff on all players.
This absorbs 1 million heal.
If the shield expires
The absorb that is left on that shield will be Arcane damage on each player within 70 yards.
If the player debuff expires
The healing absorb that is left will turn into Shadow Damage to players within 8 yards of
players that still have the healing absorption.
Tactic: Embrace of the Eclipse
There are 4 things to take in consideration:
• The Arcane stacking debuff from ground (light color).
• The shadow stacking debuff from ground (dark color).
• The damage needed to break/decrease the Shield on boss.
• The healing needed to remove the healing absorption.
• The spreading from each other.
Move the boss according to positioning of light dark color (see Font of Elune Tactics).
This will decrease the stacking debuff of Arcane/shadow.
Use major dps cooldowns to nuke the shield.
Heal tanks and melee only to remove the healing absorption.
Stay spread at least 8 yards.
In this way, you decrease the Arcane/shadow debuffs.
You decrease the shield.
You remove heal absorption on melee only since they have harder time to stay spread and
need to nuke boss.
You don’t heal ranged since they won’t damage each other when it expires since it does
damage on players within 8 yards (meaning only on themselves separately).
Moon Burn
Priestess puts a debuff on players that does Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
This debuff can be removed when crossing colors (remember that crossing colors does minor
damage, called Astral Purge).
Tactic: Moon Burn
Stick to the Font of Elune Tactics in General.
When there is too long waiting time before you change debuff, run to the other color and back
again to remove this debuff.
Lunar Strike
Priestess targets random player and shoots Arcane damage.
Phase 2 – Bow of the Night
Captain Yathae Moonstrike (Phase 2)
Huntress will swap with Captain Yathae Moonstrike now. You will fight the Captain
while the 2 other bosses are immune to damage and moves around the outer area of the
platform in a ghost appearance.
Call Moontalon
Captain summons a bird (Moontalon) add.
This add does melee damage and has one ability called Deathly Screech.
Deathly Screech happens when the add has low health.
The add does Shadow damage to nearby players and the damage increase by 25% every time
it is casted.
Tactic: Call Moontalon
Main tank on boss.
Offtank on add, move the add away from boss if it takes to much cleave damage.
Focus on boss only during phase 2.
If add reaches low health and casts Screech, focus nuke, and kill it.
Heal the raid but save major healing cooldowns for Eclipse.
Twilight Volley
Captain shoots a rain of arrows on random player location (preferably ranged).
This does shadow damage every 1.5 sec.
Tactic: Twilight Volley
Make sure you are spread from each other.
Move away from arrows and stay spread from others again
Rapid Shot
Captain targets random player.
Shoots a debuff that does shadow damage every 0.5 sec for 5 sec.
Priestess Lunaspyre (Phase 2)
This boss can´t be tanked on phase 2.
She will run around the outer platform using abilities on players.
Her special ability is called Embrace of the Eclipse, which she does approx. every 1.5 min
seconds, when light color has cover the entire platform.
This special ability is on all difficulties in phase 2.
Special Ability: Embrace of the Eclipse
Priestess puts a shield on Huntress (The attackable boss).
This shield absorbs 30 million damage.
Priestess also puts a debuff on all players.
This absorbs 1 million heal.
If the shield expires
The absorb that is left on that shield will be Arcane damage on each player within 70 yards.
If the player debuff expires
The healing absorb that is left will turn into Shadow Damage to players within 8 yards of
players that still have the healing absorption.
Tactic: Embrace of the Eclipse
There are 4 things to take in consideration:
• The Arcane stacking debuff from ground (light color).
• The shadow stacking debuff from ground (dark color).
• The damage needed to break/decrease the Shield on boss.
• The healing needed to remove the healing absorption.
• The spreading from each other.
Move the boss according to positioning of light dark color (see Font of Elune Tactics).
This will decrease the stacking debuff of Arcane/shadow.
Use major dps cooldowns to nuke the shield.
Heal tanks and melee only to remove the healing absorption.
Stay spread at least 8 yards.
In this way, you decrease the Arcane/shadow debuffs.
You decrease the shield.
You remove heal absorption on melee only since they have harder time to stay spread and
need to nuke boss.
You don’t heal ranged since they won’t damage each other when it expires since it does
damage on players within 8 yards (meaning only on themselves separately).
Moon Burn
Priestess puts a debuff on players that does Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
This debuff can be removed when crossing colors (remember that crossing colors does minor
damage, called Astral Purge).
Tactic: Moon Burn
Stick to the Font of Elune Tactics in General.
When there is too long waiting time before you change debuff, run to the other color and back
again to remove this debuff.
Lunar Strike
Priestess targets random player and shoots Arcane damage.
Moon Burn
Priestess puts a debuff on players that does Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
This debuff can be removed when crossing colors (remember that crossing colors does minor
damage, called Astral Purge).
Tactic: Moon Burn
Stick to the Font of Elune Tactics in General.
When there is too long waiting time before you change debuff, run to the other color and back
again to remove this debuff.
Lunar Strike
Priestess targets random player and shoots Arcane damage.
Huntress Kasparian (Phase 2)
This boss can´t be tanked on phase 2.
She will run around the outer platform using abilities on players.
Heroic Mode:
Her special ability is called Glaive Storm, which she does approx. every 1.5 min seconds,
when dark color has cover the entire platform.
This special ability is not on normal and LFR during phase 2 (only in phase 3).
Special Ability: Glaive Storm
Huntress shoots a glaive that breaks into several glaives when it hits a player or the wall.
This does Arcane damage when player gets hit.
Tactic Glaive Storm
Stay spread and move around to dodge the glaives.
Huntress targets a random player direction.
Throws a glaive that bounces back to the boss after hitting the player of the wall behind the
This does Shadow damage to anyone it hits.
Twilight Glaive
Huntress targets a random player direction.
Throws a glaive that bounces back to the boss after hitting the player of the wall behind the
This does Shadow damage to anyone it hits.
Tactic: Twilight Glaive
Melee on the side of boss all the time.
Ranged behind boss, spread out.
Boss phases your direction before she shoots the glaive at your position, move away and wait
for it to bounce back to boss before moving back to position again.
Spectral Glaive
Huntress throws a glaive that bounces between up to 3 players and does shadow damage.
Phase 3 – Wrath of Elune
Priestess Lunaspyre (Phase 3)
Captain will swap with Priestess now.
You will fight the Priestess while the 2 other bosses are immune to damage and moves around
the outer area of the platform in a ghost appearance.
Lunar Beacon
Priestess puts a debuff on a random player.
This does high damage every second for 6 seconds.
When debuff expires, the player location will be bombarded with Lunar Barrage 3 times.
Standing in the Barrage does Arcane damage and Silences the player.
Tactic lunar Beacon
Targeted Player
Player with this debuff must run away to bottom side of the platform (away from raid).
When debuff runs out, the player must run sideways until all barrage are gone.
Beware of high damage on the player with this debuff.
Moon Burn
Priestess puts a debuff on players that does Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
This debuff can be removed when crossing colors (remember that crossing colors does minor
damage, called Astral Purge).
Tactic: Moon Burn
Stick to the Font of Elune Tactics in General.
When there is too long waiting time before you change debuff, run to the other color and back
again to remove this debuff.
Lunar Fire
Priestess puts a debuff on main tank.
This does Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
Tactic: Lunar Fire
Tank swap each Lunar Fire debuff.
Huntress Kasparian (Phase 3)
This boss can´t be tanked on phase 3.
She will run around the outer platform using abilities on players.
Her special ability is called Glaive Storm, which she does approx. every 1.5 min seconds,
when dark color has cover the entire platform.
This special ability is on all difficulties in phase 3.
Glaive Storm
Huntress shoots a glaive that breaks into several glaives when it hits a player or the wall.
This does Arcane damage when player gets hit.
Tactic Glaive Storm
Stay spread and move around to dodge the glaives.
Huntress targets a random player direction.
Throws a glaive that bounces back to the boss after hitting the player of the wall behind the
This does Shadow damage to anyone it hits.
Twilight Glaive
Huntress targets a random player direction.
Throws a glaive that bounces back to the boss after hitting the player of the wall behind the
This does Shadow damage to anyone it hits.
Tactic: Twilight Glaive
Melee on the side of boss all the time.
Ranged behind boss, spread out.
Boss phases your direction before she shoots the glaive at your position, move away and wait
for it to bounce back to boss before moving back to position again.
Spectral Glaive
Huntress throws a glaive that bounces between up to 3 players and does shadow damage.
Captain Yathae Moonstrike
This boss can´t be tanked on phase 3.
She will run around the outer platform using abilities on players
Heroic Mode:
Her special ability is called Incorporeal shot which she does approx. every 1.5 min seconds,
when light color has cover the entire platform.
This special ability is not on normal and LFR during phase 3 (only in phase 1).
Incorporeal Shot
She aims a special shot at a player.
A big flash light will appear between the Captain and the player.
After 5 seconds, she shoots and does overkill Shadow damage.
The damage is split between players that are standing in the light between Captain and
targeted player.
Tactic: Incorporeal Shot
• This ability happens every 50 seconds, when the entire room is covered in light
(Arcane debuff)
• Targeted player stands still.
• Other players run and stands in the light between the Captain and targeted player to
share the damage.
Twilight Volley
Captain shoots a rain of arrows on random player location (preferably ranged).
This does shadow damage every 1.5 sec.
Tactic: Twilight Volley
Make sure you are spread from each other.
Move away from arrows and stay spread from others again.
Shadow Shot
Captain targets a random player and shoots an arrow that does Shadow damage.
When to use Bloodlust/Heroism/Timwarp
On phase 2 when Priestess puts a shield on Huntress (Embrace of the Eclipse)
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