This is what we know so far when it comes to engineering in Dragonflight. Many of these are placeholders.
The Engineering Skill Tree is not out yet.
Arclight Capacitor
Assorted Safety Fuses
Ever-Burning Blasting Powder
Greased-Up Gears
Reinforced Machine Chassis
Shock-Spring Coil
Handful of Tyrivite Bolts
Rummage Through Scraps
Rummage through 5 pieces of scrap in effort to find usable parts.
Finishing Reagents
Haphazardly Tethered Wires
Finishing Crafting Reagent
Overcharged Overclocker
Finishing Crafting Reagent
Essence of Tyr
Finishing Crafting Reagent
+30 Recipe Difficulty
When crafting: Increases crafting skill by 30 when used in a recipe.
Dragon Isles crafting recipes for major items such as gear.
Wisp of Tyr
Finishing Crafting Reagent
+30 Recipe Difficulty
When crafting: Increases crafting skill by 30 when used in a recipe.
Dragon Isles crafting recipes for small and simple items.
Optional Reagents
Calibrated Safety Switch
+30 Recipe Difficulty
Provides the following property: Reduces the likelihood of this device´s tinker malfunctioning by 10%. Effect reduced for Engineers.
Critical Failure Prevention Unit
Calibrated Safety Switch
+30 Recipe Difficulty
Provides the following property: Tinkers slotted into this device can no longer catastrophically malfunction.
Magazine of Healing Darts
Spring-Loaded Capacitor Casing
Calibrated Safety Switch
+30 Recipe Difficulty
Provides the following property: The tinker slotted within this device will sometimes dislodge the battery instead of malfunctioning.
Tinker: Grounded Circuitry
Tinker: Alarm-O-Turret
Blue Punchcard
Place a stealthed Alarm-O-Turret on the targeted location nearby. The turret will cloak itself in invisibility and attack an enemy player that steps within its radius and alert you of their presence.
Lasts 2 min.
Tinker: Breath of Neltharion
Blue Punchcard
Guarantees the next slotted tinker use to succeed. The cooldown of this effect is reduced at higher qualities.
Tinker: Supercollide-O-Tron
Tinker:Grease Grenade
Blue Punchcard
Launch a concealed grenade toward the target location, dealing 883 Nature dmg and coating the ground in a sticky substance for 8 sec that slows enemy units within 75%.
Tinker:Plane Displacer
Battle-Ready Binoculars
[PH] Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
+385 Intellect
+606 Stamina
+413 Critical Strike
+319 Mastery
Blue Punchcard Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Amplify Secondary Stat
Optional Reagent Slot: Safety Component
Lightweight Ocular Lenses
[PH] Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
Cloth Head
+385 Intellect
+606 Stamina
+413 Haste
+319 Mastery
Blue Punchcard Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Amplify Secondary Stat
Optional Reagent Slot: Safety Component
Oscillating Wilderness Opticals
[PH] Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
Mail Head
+385 Intellect
+606 Stamina
+413 Haste
+319 Mastery
Blue Punchcard Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Amplify Secondary Stat
Optional Reagent Slot: Safety Component
Peripheral Vision Projectors
[PH] Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
Leather Head
+385 Intellect
+606 Stamina
+413 Critical Strike
+319 Versatility
Blue Punchcard Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Amplify Secondary Stat
Optional Reagent Slot: Safety Component
Deadline Deadeyes
[PH] Radiant
Item level 146
Binds when picked up
Mail Head
+122 Intellect
+253 Stamina
+98 Haste
+76 Mastery
Optional Reagent Slot: Empower with training Matrix
Milestone Magnifiers
[PH] Radiant
Item level 146
Binds when picked up
+122 Intellect
+253 Stamina
+98 Critical Strike
+76 Versatility
Optional Reagent Slot: Empower with training Matrix
Quality-Assured Optics
[PH] Radiant
Item level 146
Binds when picked up
+122 Intellect
+253 Stamina
+98 Haste
+76 Mastery
Optional Reagent Slot: Empower with training Matrix
Sentry´s Stabilized Specs
[PH] Radiant
Item level 146
Binds when picked up
+122 Intellect
+253 Stamina
+98 Critical Strike
+76 Mastery
Optional Reagent Slot: Empower with training Matrix
Perfectly Calibrated Lenses
10.0 Engineering - Cloth - Wrist
[PH] Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
+217 Intellect
+341 Stamina
+215 Critical Strike
+197 Mastery
Blue Punchcard Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Amplify Secondary Stat
Optional Reagent Slot: Safety Component
10.0 Engineering - Leather - Wrist
[PH] Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
+217 Intellect/Agility
+341 Stamina
+215 Critical Strike
+197 Mastery
Blue Punchcard Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Amplify Secondary Stat
Optional Reagent Slot: Safety Component
10.0 Engineering - Mail - Wrist
[PH] Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
+217 Intellect/Agility
+341 Stamina
+215 Critical Strike
+197 Mastery
Blue Punchcard Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Amplify Secondary Stat
Optional Reagent Slot: Safety Component
10.0 Engineering - Plate - Wrist
[PH] Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
+217 Intellect/Strength
+341 Stamina
+215 Critical Strike
+197 Mastery
Blue Punchcard Socket
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Amplify Secondary Stat
Optional Reagent Slot: Safety Component
Engineering - Gun - 2
[PH] Radiant
Item level 393
Binds when picked up
608-1,132 Damage
(289,8 damage per second)
+385 Agility
+606 Stamina
+382 Haste
+350 Mastery
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Amplify Secondary Stat
Optional Reagent Slot: Safety Component
Engineering - Gun - 1
[PH] Radiant
Item level 343
Binds when picked up
382-710 Damage
(182,0 damage per second)
+242 Agility
+434 Stamina
+210 Haste
+192 Mastery
Optional Reagent Slot: Infuse with Power.
Optional Reagent Slot: Amplify Secondary Stat
Optional Reagent Slot: Safety Component
One-Size-Fits-All Gear
Optional Crafting Reagent
+20 Recipe Difficulty
Provides the following property: Allocate the secondary stats of Engineering crafted goggles or bracers to Versatility.
Meticulously-Tuned Gear
Optional Crafting Reagent
+30 Recipe Difficulty
Provides the following property: Allocate the secondary stats of Engineering crafted goggles or bracers to Mastery.
Rapidly Tinkering Gear
Optional Crafting Reagent
+30 Recipe Difficulty
Provides the following property: Allocate the secondary stats of Engineering crafted goggles or bracers to Haste.
Razor-Sharp Gear
Optional Crafting Reagent
+30 Recipe Difficulty
Provides the following property: Allocate the secondary stats of Engineering crafted goggles or bracers to Critical Strike.
Scopes & Ammo
High Intensity Thermal Scanner
Projectile Propulsion Pinion
Quiver of Completely Safe Rockets
Endless Stack of Needles
Gyroscopic Kaleidoscope
Bundle of Fireworks
Black Fireflight
Blue Fireflight
Red Fireflight
Suspiciously Silent Crate
Suspiciously Ticking Crate
Ez-Thro Sticky Warp Grenade
Sticky Warp Grenade
Use: Throw at a location, attaching itself to the surface or a nearby enemy. Detonates after 0 sec, swapping your position with itself and any attached enemy.
Gravity Bomb
Use: Throw the displacer and activate it after 2 sec, pulling all enemies within 20 to its location. Only usable outdoors. (5 Min Cooldown)
Ez-Thro Primal Deconstruction Charge
Primal Deconstruction Charge
Use: Inflicts 4,823 Fire damage to enemies in a 8 radius. This explosion is powerful enough to cause moderate siege damage. (5 Min Cooldown)
Creature Combustion Canister
Ez-Thro Creature Combustion Canister
I.W.I.N Button Mk10
Use: Press the button to call in an air strike at the designated location dealing 60,294 Fire damage to all enemies in the strike zone. Only usable outdoors. (1 Day Cooldown)
Cartomancy Cannon
Centralized Precipitation Emitter
Element-Infused Rocket Helmet
Environmental Emulator
Giggle Goggles
Use: Adds this toy to your Toy Box.
Perceive the world as though it were ruled by gnolls. (1 Hr Cooldown).
Wyrmhole Generator
Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables
PvP Flare Gun
Portable Alchemy Table
Portable Engineering Table
Draconic Gunshoes
Neural Silencer Mk3
Use: Makes you immune to some annoyances. Persists through death. Lasts 12 hrs.
Profession Equipment
Spring-loaded Titanicium Fabric Cutters
Item Level 356
Binds when equipped
Tailoring Tool
Primary stats
Secondary stats
Require level 61
Engineering Hat
Lapidary´s Titanicium Knife
Multitool T2
Titanicium Fisherfriend
Bottomless Mirelush Ore Satchel
Titanicium Delver´s Helmet
Spring-Loaded Draconium Fabric Cutters
Item level 317
Binds when equipped
Tailoring Tool
+61 Inspiration
+61 Resourcefulness
Lapidary´s Draconium Knife
Engineering Hat
Bottomless Stonecrust Ore Satchel
Draconium Delver´s Helmet
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