In the next patch (6.2.3), Blizzard will introduce the Valor point System again. For the players that haven’t any idea of what Valor is, well, think of it as a currency to buy stuff for. Like any other currency in the game, but of course, you earn them in another way and use them on something else.
You use Valor points to upgrade your gear item level (gear from HFC, Baleful and crafting items), and you can upgrade them two times with 5 ilvl each time with a cost of 250 Valor points per time.
To fully upgrade your gear, if it falls into the category for being upgraded, you need:
- 7000 Valor Points if you have a 2-hand weapon and legendary ring
- 7500 Valor Points if you have two 1-hand weapons and legendary ring
- 7500 Valor Points if you have 2-hand weapon and no legendary ring
- 8000 Valor Points if you have two 1-hand weapons and no legendary ring
You can earn Valor points from following:
- Mythic Dungeon (Valor awarded with dungeon completion, once per dungeon per week) – 300 Valor Points
- Complete the weekly Event quest from Seer Kazal (Pet Battle Event excluded) – 500 Valor Points
- Heroic Dungeon (complete your first random Heroic of the day) – 100 Valor Points
- Raid Finder wing (once per week per wing) – 150 Valor Points for Hellfire Citadel wings, 75 Valor Points for Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry wings
So, let us do some minor calculations of how much you can earn as most each week:
So, let us do some minor calculations of how much you can earn as most each week:
2400 Valor (300x8 Mythic Dungeons / day) You can do same mythic dungeon once per week, but u can do a different dungeon every day
+ 500 Valor (Weekly Event quest)
+ 700 Valor (100x7 Heroic Dungeon, once per day)
+ 1275 Valor (75x3 HM + 75x4 BRF + 150x5 HFC)
In total you can earn 4875 Valor Points each week except when it´s pet battle event, then you will earn 4375 Valor points instead, since the pet battle even is not included. The reason for that is because pet battling are account wide.
If we look at the total Valor points needed for full gear upgrade and the total amount of Valor earned per week, we can clearly say that you need 2 weeks to upgrade all you gear (if you do everything to get max Valor point each week).
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