Blizzard Blue Post

  • Unlock access to additional fast travel options from Ve’nari’s Refuge to Perdition Hold and Desmotaeron within the Maw.
  • Completing quests from Archivist Roh-Suir will provide access to an Anima Diverter within Korthia where Anima can be directly deposited.
    • The Research Reports (item upgrades) and Treatise items (bonus drops in 9.0 content) are now available for purchase account wide if a character on their account has reached the appropriate reputation Tier.
    • Players at Tier 6 can now purchase the item “Research Report: Relic Examination Techniques”, a new bind-on-account item they can send to an alt to increase the reputation granted by Relics and Relic Fragments by 50%.
    • The quest “Relic Efficiency” offered at Tier 4 now also increases the average number of Relics that will show up as bonus drops from rares and treasures as well as how many relics show up on daily quests or in weekly reward chests. This is in addition to the current reward of a 20% chance to receive double the normal Relic Fragment drops from rares and treasures.
    • Added two new quests, “Relic Clues” at Tier 3 which starts the bonus at an initial 10% chance at double Relic Fragments, and “Relic Hunter” at Tier 5 that will set the final chance for double relics at 40%. Both of these new quests will also increase the average number of relics you will see as bonus drops, on daily quests or in weekly reward chests.
    • Korthia rares now have a chance to drop Relics on repeat kills (was a daily lockout for a chance at Relics).
    • More Relic carrying enemies can be found in Korthia with the All-Seeing Crystal.
    • Trained Gromit now locates more relic caches.
        • A new weekly quest, “Lost Research”, will be available to characters at Tier 4 with the Archivists’ Codex or on alts with a Tier 4 character on the account. This new quest will direct players into the Korthian Rift and reward a large amount of Archivists’ Codex reputation and Cataloged Research.
        • Enemies in Korthian Rifts now drop stolen Relic Fragments and a chance at Relics.
30 Oct 2021