Zereth Mortis Weapons (233-252)
In patch 9.2 the gear ivl is based on your progress in Zereth Mortis when it comes to the new Cypher Console.
In 9.2.5 we also get weapons added to the Cypher Equipment Level.
The main part when it comes to gear is that this system has a Cypher Equipment level. The level starts at 1 and max level is 6. The more points you put into cypher console by unlocking and upgrading traits with a currency called Cyphers of the First Ones, the higher you will level.
- Level 1
Rewards 233 ilvl from various sources. - Level 2
Rewards 239 ilvl from various sources. - Level 3
Rewards 242 ilvl from various sources. - Level 4
Rewards 246 ilvl from various sources. - Level 5
Rewards 249 ilvl from various sources. - Level 6
Rewards 252 ilvl from various sources.
You start at ilvl 233 and the highest ilvl you can reach is 252 ilvl.
Normal Dungeon loot (236 ilvl)
There are 9 dungeons in Shadowlands at the moment.
8 of them are available in normal mode.
Heroic dungeon loot in Shadowlands (249 ilvl)
There are 9 dungeons in Shadowlands at the moment.
All 9 of them are available in heroic mode.
Mythic 0 dungeon loot in Shadowlands (262 ilvl)
There are 9 dungeons in Shadowlands at the moment.
All 9 of them are available in mythic 0 mode.
Mythic plus dungeons (262-288)
Great Vault M+ (278-304)
In Season 4, we will get 8 dungeons that comes from shadowlands and previous expansions into the M+ dungeon pool. These 8 dungeons will be the ones that are available for M+, meaning, the other shadowlands dungeons are no longer active for M+.
- Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder
- Tazavesh: So’leah’s Gambit
- Operation Mechagon: Junkyard
- Operation Mechagon: Workshop
- Return to Karazhan: Lower
- Return to Karazhan: Upper
- Grimrail Depot
- Iron Docks
In mythic plus, you get loot from the chest after killing last boss (you don´t get loot from every boss).
The weekly chest is instead a "Great Vault" in Shadowlands, that lets you choose between several types of gear based on what weekly goals you have completed.
Keystone Level |
End of Dungeon |
Weekly Great Vault |
+2 |
262 |
278 |
+3 |
265 |
278 |
+4 |
268 |
278 |
+5 |
272 |
281 |
+6 |
275 |
281 |
+7 |
275 |
285 |
+8 |
278 |
288 |
+9 |
278 |
288 |
+10 |
281 |
291 |
+11 |
281 |
294 |
+12 |
285 |
298 |
+13 |
285 |
298 |
+14 |
288 |
301 |
+15 |
288 |
304 |
The Great Vault - Weekly Reward
Coming soon.
In Legion and BFA, we had one weekly mythic plus objective, which was a reward based on the highest key you have done during that week.
In Shadowlands, there are major changes in weekly objective rewards.
There are 3 main categories for getting a piece of gear each week.
- Raids
- Mythic plus
- PvP
Each main category has 3 objectives that you can complete during the week before next weekly reset.
That makes it up to 9 weekly objectives that you can do each week.
Completing all 9, well that will let you choose between loads of gear at the weekly reset.
But the reward is still only one item gear.
The ilvl rewards are based on what difficulty you completed the goal in.
Raid loot in Shadowlands (278-304 ilvl)
In Season 4, we are getting something called “Fated”.
This Fated system is a new system implemented in Season 4 which will increase the ilvl gear of old raids. Fated will also add an affix in the boss fights of the raid as well. Adding an affix means that a new boss ability is added into the fight. Affix in this case is a Fated power.
When Season 4 is out, we will get these 3 raids in a weekly rotation. Meaning, only one of the raids is tagged as a Fated raid.
First week we are getting Castle Nathria as Fated.
Second week we are getting Sanctum of Domination as Fated.
Third week we are getting Sepulcher of the First Ones as Fated.
Then it starts over again with Castle Nathria.
You can see which raid is fated by opening your Adventure Guide.
Raid Finder |
265 - 272 ilvl |
Normal |
278 - 285 ilvl |
Heroic |
291 - 298 ilvl |
Mythic |
304 - 311 ilvl |
PvP Vendor
(PvE 229-301)
(PvP - 242-314)
The change they have done in 9.1 is adding a bonus ilvl on your gear when doing that specific content the gear came from.
PvP gear has a +13 ilvl of the gear when doing PvP content.
Unrated Gear (Honor Gear)
Rank | PvE | PvP |
1 | 229 | 242 |
2 | 236 | 236 |
3 | 242 | 242 |
4 | 249 | 255 |
5 | 255 | 268 |
6 | 262 | 281 |
7 | 268 | 294 |
Rated Gear (Conquest gear)
Rating | PvE | PvP |
Unranked | 275 | 288 |
Rank 2 | 278 | 291 |
Rank 3 | 281 | 294 |
Rank 4 | 285 | 298 |
Rank 5 | 288 | 301 |
Rank 6 | 291 | 304 |
Rank 7 | 294 | 307 |
Rank 8 | 298 | 311 |
Rank 9 | 301 | 314 |
Shadowlands Dungeon Events ( 278/291 ilvl)
Complete 5 Timewalking Event - 278 ilvl reward
Complete 4 Mythic Dungeons 291
Crafted Legendary
ilvl coming soon
How to upgrade Legendaries in 9.2.5
coming soon
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