In Uldir, the titans had hoped to find a solution to the Old Gods. But when they experimented upon the Old Gods' unending, ravenous need to corrupt, they unexpectedly created a perfect avatar of that desire. G'huun is nothing but rot, pestilence, and decay, the ultimate parasite who cannot stop itself from consuming its host until it is gone
This encounter has 3 phases and the platform is divided in upper and lower platform.
The upper platform are side platforms in which you get up via ramps on the side of the platform.
In phase 1 and 2, you need to have players that runs up on one side of the platform to grab a matrix and take it to a device called Reorigination Drive located on the end of the hall way on that platform.
You will be slowed while holding the matrix and there are obstacles in the hall way that will slow you as well.
Being on the platform will also do dmg over time.
You need different players to do this because you get a debuff for 5 min that doesn’t let you pick up a new matrix.
On the lower platform, there will be adds to fight.
Tentacles must be interrupted and killed.
A mobile ad must be tanked near tentacles for cleave dmg.
This mobile add will also buff anyone close to it from time to time. Players get buffed dmg/heal as well. But more than once will mind control you and you failed.
Boss (that you don´t attack atm) will put debuff son players that they must run to the side with and place pols on the ground and raid must dodge balls fired out from it.
Phase 2 starts when 3 matrix have been placed in the drive device.
On lower platform you will now fight the boss, that does different abilities, on tank and raid. Most important is the debuff, that is same as phase 1. Run away with it, place the pool on the side and raid dodge the balls.
Boss will also root a player and raid must stack up to remove debuff stacks they get during this phase and an add will spawn. The more debuff that has been cleansed on the rooted player, the more dmg/health the add has.
Boss and add gets stunned and dmg taken increased by 100% when 3 matrix are placed (Bloodlust/Timewarp/heroism here).
Phase 3 starts when boss reaches 25%.
Boss is alone now, no adds.
Boss will do same abilities as in phase 2 and will also make parts of the ceiling fall off that must be dodged. Boss will also fear players when facing him during his fear cast.
Phase 1
In center if the platform.
Make sure big add is tanked close to tentacles.
Phase 2
Spread from each other by at least 5 yards around the boss in a circle.
Make sure boss is tanked next to add. Apart
Phase 3
Spread from each other by at least 5 yards around the boss in a circle.
Abilities and tactics
This encounter is divided in an upper and lower platform.
In the upper platform (sides) you will encounter obstacles that prevents you from delivering a power matrix to the Reorigination Drive.
In the lower platform, you will encounter loads of adds and the boss later on.
This encounter is also divided in 3 phases.
There are two ramps. One on the left side, and one on the right side of the platform.
Each ramp takes you to the left or right side of the upper platform.
Power Matrix and Reorigination Drive
At the start of the platform when coming up the ramp, there will be a Power Matrix.
The power matrix will only spawn on one of the sides, and it starts with left side.
- When a player picks up the power matrix, it will slow the player by 20% every 2 sec until they cannot move.
- The Power Matrix can be thrown. If thrown to another player nothing happens. But if the throw missed the player, the Power Matrix is destroyed.
- When player holds the Power Matrix, it puts a debuff that prevents player from picking up/placing the Power Matrix for 2 min (Can still catch it when thrown by another player).
There is a Reorigination Drive on the end of the “hall way”.
Placing the Power Matrix in the Reorigination Drive will generate 35 energy.
When reaching 100 energy a big blast occurs and
- Does high Arcane damage to all enemies and players every 6 sec for 24 sec.
- Makes all enemies take 100% more dmg for 24 sec.
The “Hall Way” also have some obstacles.
Amorphous Cyst
These are blob shaped and spread out around the hall way.
They create moss on the ground that does dmg and reduce movement speed by 75% when standing on it.
Tactics: Upper side in phase 1
During phase 1, you must deliver the Matrix to the Drive 3 times to reach 100 energy.
When reaching 100 energy, use dps cooldowns to burn down the enemies.
When reaching 100 energy after 3 times, you enter phase 2.
It requires a small dmg on the Cysts to remove the moss around them.
After a while the moss starts growing out again.
Delivering the Matrix can be done in two ways based on your Raid setup.
The best Tactic
The best is to have classes that can move fast and take care of an entire Power Matrix side alone.
Following classes are very mobile and can handle
* Monks
* Demon Hunters
* Rogues
* Warlock portals + Warriors.
* Mages
The debuff that prevents player from picking up/placing the Power Matrix.
Divide the raid in groups to sort out who goes to the upper side during phase 1.
You will need 3 players.
Alternative Tactic
You must have 2 players for each Power Matrix.
Recommended to have a healer with you, because you take dmg during the time you are there.
Player 1 grabs the Matrix while player 2 clears the way and runs ahead.
Player 1 throws the matrix to player 2 when becoming to slowed, a light symbol on ground will show were the matrix will land, so just stand on it to catch it.
Player 2 runs and places the matrix.
Jump down on the side when completed.
During Phase 1, you will only fight adds while Ghuun in the small cave casting abilities on the raid.
You will encounter
1 Raid Ability
2 types of adds on Normal mode / 3 types of adds on Heroic mode
a shield on adds
Explosive Corruption
Boss puts a debuff on up to 3 random players (based on raid size).
After 5 seconds, the debuff expires and does very high dmg to players within 5 yards.
When debuff expires, 2 things will happen
1) A pool Is created under the player.
This pool does dmg and reduced movement speed by 70%.
When the Blast occurs after 3 Power Matrix, these pools shrinks over time.
2) 5 small orbs are tossed to each direction.
Each orb does high dmg and will also place the same Explosive Corruption on player hit.
Tactics: Explosive Corruption
Run fast to the side wall and make sure the pool is dropped there.
You must get away from the raid.
The entire Raid must make sure they do NOT get hit by these orbs that blasts away when debuff expires.
If you get hit, run to the side directly and place make sure the pool is dropped there.
You must get away from the raid.
The Adds
There are 3 types of adds (2 on normal mode).
Cyclopean Terror
Casts Torment (interruptible), on random players.
This debuff increases Shadow dmg taken every 3 sec for 15 sec.
Dark Young
Does Massive Smash on Tank that does high physical dmg and a knockback.
Has an energy bar.
When reaching 100 energy: puts a buff on enemies and players within 10 yards.
The buff increase dmg taken, healing done and dmg done by 25% for 10 sec.
Getting 2 stacks of this buff turns the player against the raid. Player gets mind controlled and attacks the raid until dead.
Blightspreader Tendrill (Heroic)
Has an energy bar that starts at 100 and slowly looses the energy.
When reaching 0, the add goes under ground and spawns at another location.
Casts Raid wide dmg, Decaying eruption (interruptible)
Tactics: the Adds
Adds will spawn over and over until this phase is over.
Phase is over when 3 Power Matrix has been placed.
In general, you will face 2 Dark Youngs (and 2 Big tentacles on Heroic), before the phase is over.
Kill order / Priority is
- Blightspreader Tendril (Big tentacle) (HEROIC)
- Dark Young
- Cyclopean Terror (small tentacles)
Dark Young must be tanked. Tank it close to tentacles for cleave dmg and interrupts.
Tank swap if needed only.
Move away when boss reaches 100 energy/tank swap with tank not having the buff.
Move close to the Dark Young add when it reaches 100 energy and casts the buff.
Make sure NOT to get more the 1 stack! Meaning do NOT get close to add if you already have a stack.
Interrupt the tentacles all the time.
On heroic: good to have an interrupt rotation on the Big tentacle.
A light beam will spawn in the middle of the platform when phase 2 starts.
Does high Arcane damage to all enemies and players every 6 sec for 24 sec.
- Makes all enemies take 100% more dmg for 24 sec.
Stack up and use healing /defensive cooldowns.
All adds that are left die.
The boss will now come out and you will now face Ghuun.
Boss has 4 abilities during this phase.
Corruption Bite (TANK)
Each melee attack boss does will also do extra plague dmg.
Each melee attack will also increase the plague dmg by 15% and stacks.
Tactic: Corruption Bite (TANK)
Tank swap at 3 stacks.
There is no frontal dmg so you can face the boss wherever you please.
Wave of Corruption
Boss unleashes a wave that shots out from him.
This wave wares of more and more, the further it travels.
Getting hit does dmg within 5 yards, a knock back and a debuff to each player hit.
This is a stacking debuff (Putrid Blood) that does low plague dmg every 1.5 sec.
Tactic: Wave of Corruption
Spread out side ways around the boss at least 5 yards.
Blood Feast
Random player is targeted and rooted.
After 10 seconds If players are near the rooted player by 8 yards, their stacks (Putrid Blood) from Wave of Corruption
An add will spawn near that player as well (Gibbering Horror)
This add get more powerful, the more players have cleansed their debuffs.
Each debuff stack from players increase the health and dmg done by 5%.
The add will also cast Mind-Numbing Chatter which does raid dmg and interrupt casting for 3 sec.
Tactic: Blood Feast
Run to the rooted player to cleanse debuffs when needed.
Tank the boss near the add.
Nuke the add asap.
Explosive Corruption
Boss puts a debuff on up to 3 random players (based on raid size).
After 5 seconds, the debuff expires and does very high dmg to players within 5 yards.
When debuff expires, 2 things will happen
1) A pool Is created under the player.
This pool does dmg and reduced movement speed by 70%.
When the Blast occurs after 3 Power Matrix, these pools shrinks over time.
2) 5 small orbs are tossed to each direction.
Each orb does high dmg and will also place the same Explosive Corruption on player hit.
Tactics: Explosive Corruption
Run fast to the side wall and make sure the pool is dropped there.
You must get away from the raid.
The entire Raid must make sure they do NOT get hit by these orbs that blasts away when debuff expires.
If you get hit, run to the side directly and place make sure the pool is dropped there.
Same as in phase 1.
You must place 3 Power Matrix.
When placing the 3 Power Matrix, the add and boss are stunned and take Arcane dmg and have 100% increased dmg taken.
Players will also take loads of Arcane dmg when all 3 Matrix are placed.
Tactic: PHASE 2 Upper
Remember! You need players that did not go during phase 1 since they have the debuff still.
Delivering the Matrix can be done in two ways based on your Raid setup.
The best Tactic
The best is to have classes that can move fast and take care of an entire Power Matrix side alone.
Following classes are very mobile and can handle
* Monks
* Demon Hunters
* Rogues
* Warlock portals + Warriors.
* Mages
The debuff that prevents player from picking up/placing the Power Matrix.
Divide the raid in groups to sort out who goes to the upper side during phase 2.
Remember! You need players that did not go during phase 1 since they have the debuff still.
You will need 3 players.
Alternative Tactic
You must have 2 players for each Power Matrix.
Recommended to have a healer with you, because you take dmg during the time you are there.
Player 1 grabs the Matrix while player 2 clears the way and runs ahead.
Player 1 throws the matrix to player 2 when becoming to slowed, a light symbol on ground will show were the matrix will land, so just stand on it to catch it.
Player 2 runs and places the matrix.
Jump down on the side when completed.
The debuff that prevents player from picking up/placing the Power Matrix.
Divide the raid in groups to sort out who goes to the upper side during phase 2.
Remember! You need players that did not go during phase 1 since they have the debuff still.
You will need 3 groups (2 per group / 6 players total).
When all 3 Power Matrix are placed
Stack up, use healing cooldowns and defensives.
Use BLOOD LUST/TIMEWARP/HEROISM and nuke the add and boss down.
Make sure they are stacked together before this.
The last phase starts when boss reaches 25%.
Boss will destroy the matrix/Reorigination and pieces will rain from the ceiling.
When the pieces land on the ground, it does deadly dmg and a knockback.
The further players are, the less dmg they take.
Make sure you run far away from them.
Gaze of G´huun
Boss casts a wave.
Players facing the boss will be feared for 6 seconds.
Tactic: Gaze of G´huun
Make sure to face away from him during this.
Corruption Bite (TANK)
Each melee attack boss does will also do extra plague dmg.
Each melee attack will also increase the plague dmg by 15% and stacks.
Tactic: Corruption Bite (TANK)
Tank swap at 3 stacks.
There is no frontal dmg so you can face the boss wherever you please.
Wave of Corruption
Boss unleashes a wave that shots out from him.
This wave wares of more and more, the further it travels.
Getting hit does dmg within 5 yards, a knock back and a debuff to each player hit.
This is a stacking debuff (Putrid Blood) that does low plague dmg every 1.5 sec.
Tactic: Wave of Corruption
Spread out side ways around the boss at least 5 yards.
Explosive Corruption
Boss puts a debuff on up to 3 random players (based on raid size).
After 5 seconds, the debuff expires and does very high dmg to players within 5 yards.
When debuff expires, 2 things will happen
1) A pool Is created under the player.
This pool does dmg and reduced movement speed by 70%.
When the Blast occurs after 3 Power Matrix, these pools shrinks over time.
2) 5 small orbs are tossed to each direction.
Each orb does high dmg and will also place the same Explosive Corruption on player hit.
Tactics: Explosive Corruption
Run fast to the side wall and make sure the pool is dropped there.
You must get away from the raid.
The entire Raid must make sure they do NOT get hit by these orbs that blasts away when debuff expires.
If you get hit, run to the side directly and place make sure the pool is dropped there.
Malignant Growth (HEROIC)
Boss creates a series of Malignant growth that explode.
This does high/deadly dmg to players within 8 yards of it.
Tactics: Malignant Growth (HEROIC)
Make sure you are spread.
Dodge the growth.
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