Earning Undercoins
There are a few ways for players to earn Undercoins in The War Within Season 1 Delves:
Archaic Cipher Key: This key has a chance to drop from the Heavy Trunks or Bountiful Heavy Trunks at the end of a Delve. Bringing the key to Elise Starseeker at the Delver's Headquarters will reward 150, 1500, and 750 Undercoins.
Zekvir's Influence: Starting at Tier 4, certain groups of mobs in the Delve become empowered by Zekvir's Influence. Defeating all of these empowered enemies will reward bonus Undercoins in the end-of-Delve chests. In testing, a Tier 8 Bountiful Delve with all empowered enemies defeated yielded around 180 Undercoins.
Using Undercoins
Undercoins can be spent at the Delver's Headquarters in Dornogol to purchase a variety of seasonal rewards, including:
Restored Coffer Key: Grants access to Bountiful Coffers (2000 Undercoins)
Delver's Dirigible Schematics: Unlocks new parts to customize your Delver's Dirigible mount (2000-3000 Undercoins)
Toys, Battle Pets, and Warband Catch-up Gear: Cosmetic and functional rewards (500-10,000 Undercoins)
The Delver's Headquarters vendor, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, offers a wide selection of items that can be purchased using the Undercoins earned through Delve activities.
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