As you open your Great Vaults this week, casters should be on the lookout for a weapon that could be their top choice for the season—an off-hand item!A special thanks to Saeldur for conducting extensive research on this item and integrating it into SimC.
Table of Contents
Understanding Fate Weaver
How to Obtain Fate Weaver
Special Effects of Fateweaved Weapons
Evaluating Fateweaved Weapons
Fateweaved Bugs
The Future of the Fateweavers

Although it functions solely as an off-hand, Fate Weaver has a unique on-use ability. Players can activate it once to summon a Fateweaved Weapon, which can be either the Fateweaved Needle or the Fateweaved Mallet, depending on your specialization.
Fate Weaver
Item Level: 350
Binds when picked up
Held In Off-hand
Stats: +394 Intellect, +208 Stamina, +125 Haste, +114 Versatility
Use: Perform a weaving ritual to create a Fateweaved Weapon.
Level Requirement: 70
Description: "Barely legible words are inscribed on the handle. 'The ritual site lies in Azj-Kahet overlooking the Salien Gutters, far North of Rak-Zakaz.'"
Sell Price: 44 4 58
Currently, information about Fate Weaver is limited. It is known to be a special cantrip weapon that drops from Delves. There are two confirmed sources and one speculated source. The first confirmed source is the Hulking Raptorial Claw, which drops from Zekvir during random delves. Looting it there allows it to drop on the Champion track, potentially reaching item level 619.Additionally, players can obtain it from looting Delve Maps, which provide a Hero Track version of the item that can be upgraded to item level 626. There is speculation that this item may also appear in the Great Vault, but this has yet to be confirmed.

The Fateweaved weapons come with a cantrip effect beneficial for both healers and DPS players. Here’s a look at its performance at item level 626.
Fateweaved Needle
Item Level: 626
Binds when picked up
One-Hand Dagger
Damage: 1,289 - 2,149 (Speed 1.80, 955.0 DPS)
Stats: +9,789 Intellect, +10,150 Stamina
Equip Effect: Your harmful and helpful spells may weave a Thread of Fate between you and your target for 5 seconds. Tethered allies gain 9,210 bonus primary stats while the Thread holds, and enemies take 251,174 Cosmic Damage when the Thread breaks.
Level Requirement: 70
Sell Price: 140 83 10
For DPS players, this effect links you to your target, boosting your intellect by 9,210 while the link is active. Once the link expires—either by moving away or after 5 seconds—it inflicts 251,174 cosmic damage to the target.For healers, each healing spell has a chance to increase both your intellect and the primary stat of the target by 9,210.Logs and simulations indicate that this effect has an uptime of 20% to 25%, averaging a boost of 2,064 intellect/primary stat at all times. This makes it an exceptionally powerful effect, particularly for healers who can enhance both their own stats and those of their allies.

The cantrip effect of these Fateweaved weapons makes them superior to 639 Mythic weapons for casters and healers. Below is a comparison of a 6/6 Hero Fateweaved weapon against the Queen Ansurek weapon at item level 639.
Fateweaved Needle
Item Level: 626
Damage: 1,289 - 2,149 (Speed 1.80, 955.0 DPS)
Stats: +9,789 Intellect, +10,150 Stamina
Sovereign's Disdain
Item Level: 639
Damage: 1,455 - 2,426 (Speed 1.80, 1,078 DPS)
Stats: +11,050 Intellect, +12,101 Stamina, +307 Critical Strike, +704 Haste
While the Fateweaved weapon has 1,261 less Intellect and 1,011 fewer secondary stats, its cantrip effect provides an average of 2,064 intellect. For Shadow Priests, this translates to a 0.8% DPS increase over the Mythic Ansurek Dagger at item level 639 with BiS gear, equating to just over 11k DPS. A Champion track Fateweaved weapon is only slightly less effective than a Mythic weapon, resulting in a mere 0.2% DPS loss, or 2.3k DPS, in the same comparison.
Initially, there was limited knowledge about these weapons due to bugs that affected them during the first few weeks of the expansion. Players were receiving flat item level 350 weapons regardless of the upgrade track associated with the off-hand. This issue has since been resolved, and weapons now adhere to the same upgrade track as the off-hand that generated them.However, this fix is not retroactive, meaning players who generated item level 350 weapons will need to loot another off-hand to create a new weapon. Those affected by this bug have reached out to Blizzard support, but reports indicate that assistance has been minimal.
Much of the power of these weapons comes from their cantrip effect. It wouldn’t be surprising if Blizzard decided to implement minor nerfs to align them more closely with other Hero Track weapons. Personally, I find it refreshing to have a Best in Slot weapon available from Delve content.One straightforward way Blizzard could balance the weapon would be to make its cantrip effect not benefit from haste. This adjustment would reduce the cantrip effect by approximately 30%, allowing Fateweaved weapons to remain the top Hero Track weapons without overshadowing Myth Track weapons.Keep an eye out for Zekvir during your Delves, and good luck to those pursuing this weapon from Maps or the Great Vault!
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