When does Tomb of Sargeras unlock/release?
Tuesday, Jun. 20 – Normal and Heroic Difficulties Open
Tuesday, Jun. 27 – Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder Wing 1– Gates of Hell (Goroth, Demonic Inquisition, Harjartan) Open
Tuesday, Jul. 11 – Raid Finder Wing 2– Wailing Halls (Mistress Sass’zine, Sisters of the Moon, Desolate Host) Opens
Tuesday, Jul. 25 – Raid Finder Wing 3– Chamber of the Avatar (Maiden of Vigilance, Avatar of Sargeras) Opens
Tuesday, Aug. 8 – Raid Finder Wing 4—Deceiver’s Fall (Kil’Jaeden) Opens
Background Story
Aegwynn used this sacred temple of Elune to lock away the defeated Sargeras´ avatar. She hoped it would remain dormant, buried deep within the earth, but the lure of power has continued to draw foul entities to this site. When Gul´dan re-entered the tomb, he tore down Aegwynn´s wards and opened a doorway for the Legion to invade. Now, the fel army tears at the vault, hoping to reclaim their master´s power.
Loot ilvl
+ means that the gear can be Warforged or Titanforged which increases the ilvl more.
Raid Finder |
885-895+ ilvl |
Drops Tier |
Normal |
900-910+ ilvl |
Drops Tier |
Heroic |
915-925+ ilvl |
Drops Tier |
Mythic |
930-940+ ilvl |
Drops Tier |
Detailed Loot ilvl
Wing 1
Raid finder: 885 - 890 ilvl
Normal: 885 - 905 ilvl
Heroic: 900 - 920 ilvl
Mythic: 930 - 935 ilvl
Wing 2
Raid finder 885 - 890 ilvl
Normal 900 - 905ilvl
Heroic 915 - 920 ilvl
Mythic 930 - 935 ilvl
Wing 3
Raid finder 890 illv
Normal 905 ilvl
Heroic 920 ilvl
Mythic 935 ilvl
Wing 4
Raid finder 895 ilvl
Normal 910 ilvl
Heroic 925 ilvl
Mythic 940 ilvl
Tier set from what bosses in Tomb of Sargeras
Head Tier - Demonic Inquisition
Hands Tier – Harjatan
Legs Tier – Mistress Sassz´ine
Back Tier – The Desolate Host
Shoulder Tier – Fallen Avatar
Chest – Kil´jaeden
The Tomb of Sargeras consists of 10 bosses, divided in 4 wings.
Wing 1: The Gates of Hell
Demonic Inquisition
Wing 2: Wailling Halls
Mistress Sassz´ine
Sisters of the Moon
The Desolate Host
Wing 3: Chamber of the Avatar
Maiden of Vigilance
Fallen Avatar
Wing 4: Deceiver´s Fall
Boss Orders in Tomb of Sargeras
Stay tuned
Goroth Boss Guide (Tactics)
Demonic Inquisition Boss Guide (tactics)
Harjatan Boss Guide (Tactics)
Sisters of the Moon Boss Guide (Tactics)
Mistress Sassz´ine Boss Guide (Tactics)
The Desolate Host Boss Guide (Tactics)
Maiden of Vigilance Boss Guide (Tactics)
Fallen Avatar Boss Guide (Tactics)
Kil´jaeden Goss Guide (Tactics)
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