General Information
- The Alchemy things you could make before and will be able to do in Shadowlands are:
Combat potions
Utility potions
- The new Alchemy things you can make in Shadowlands are:
Used to oil in weapons with temporary effects and oil that can boost combat potions.
Extracts are herbs that can be used for further profession crafting.
Ground Herbs
You need Ground Herbs as crafting reagent for some items except for the normal herb.
Ground Herbs are created by using the specific herb you use. Similar to milling.
- The Utility and Combat potions share CD but not health potions.
- Combat potions will have a 5 min CD instead of a onetime use per encounter.
- Instead of having 4 primary stat flasks, you will craft one (Spectral Flask of Power) that will increase the players primary stat
- There are datamined things such as Optional Effects in Alchemy, but this is not out on Beta servers.
“Optional Effects can be added to armor pieces with effects such as increased durations on Flask and Food effects, and chance on hit to increase your Primary Stats for a few seconds.” - You start at skill level 1 and the max level is 300.
Optional Reagents
A new system implemented.
This system is extra slots on crafted armor made by players that are Blacksmith, Leatherworking and Tailoring. This system is made only during when crafting, not afterwards.
Based on what is crafted, you can add
- Specific Secondary Stats (made by inscription)
- Bonus effect such as Flask last longer, add a socket, well fed last longer (made by different professions)
- Alter the ilvl with Crafters Mark
All items you can create
- Spiritual Anti-Venom (5 skill)
Use: Curse poisons up to level 60 and reduces the duration of newly applied poisons by 50% for 2 min. (Cannot be used in instances)
- Eternal Cauldron (175 skill)
Creates a cauldron that raid members can use to gain benefit of a flask appropriate fo their class talents. Cauldron has 30 uses and lasts for 10 min.
Combat Potions (Battle Potions)
- Potion of Deathly Fixation (135 skill)
Use: Your dmg spells and abilities have a chance to do 46 Shadow dmg over 8 sec and stacks 5 times. When reaching 5 stacks it explodes and does 1k Shadow dmg to the target.
If you consume this potion while your weapon is augmented this Shadowcore Oil, the explosion dmg is increased by 10%. Last 25 sec. - Potion of Empowered Exorcisms (135 skill)
Use: Your dmg spells and abilities have a chance to do 990 shadow dmg to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.
If you consume this potion wile your weapon is augmented with Shadowcore Oil, the dmg and range is increased by 20%. Lasts 25 sec. - Potion of Spectral Agility (150 skill)
Use: Your agility is increased by 190 for 25 sec. - Potion of Spectral Intellect (150 skill)
Use: Your Intellect is increased by 190 for 25 sec. - Potion of Spectral Stamina (150 skill)
Use: Your Stamina is increased by 285 for 25 sec. - Potion of Spectral Strength (150 skill)
Use: Your agility is increased by 190 for 25 sec. - Potion of Divine Awakening (125 skill)
Use: Your healing spells are increased by up to 3113 based on the target´s missing health.
If you consume this potion while your weapon is augmented with Embalmer´s Oil, the healing is increased by 10%. Lasts for 25 sec. - Potion of Phantom Fire (125 skill)
Use: Your attacks and spells have a chance to send out a fiery projection that does 3318 Shadowflame dmg.
If you consume this potion while your weapon is augmented with Shadowcore Oil the dmg is increased by 10%. Lasts for 25 sec. - Potion of Sacrificial Anima (110 skill)
Use: Your next 4 mana consuming spells or abilities will consume 7% of your health instead of mana.
If you consume this potion while your weapon is augmented with Embalmer´s Oil, the amount of health consumed is decreased by 2%. Lasts for 25 sec. - Potion of Hardened Shadows (100 skill)
Use: Increases your armor by 265 for 25 sec. - Potion of Spiritual Clarity (100 skill)
Use: Goes into a focus and Restore up to 7100 mana over 10 sec but they are defenseless until their focus is broken. - Spiritual Rejuvenation potion (5 skill)
Restores 9886 health and 2332 mana (5 min cooldown). - Spiritual Healing potion
Restores 9886 health (5 min cooldown) - Spiritual Mana potion
Restores 3109 mana (5 min cooldown)
- Spectral Flask of Power (160 skill)
Use: Increases your Primary Stat by 73 for 1 hour. Count as both Battle and Guardian elixir. Persists through death. - Flask of Stamina (160 skill)
Use: Increases stamina by 109 for 1 hour. Count as both Battle and Guardian elixir. Persists through death.
Oils and Extracts
- Ground Widowbloom (105 skill)
Crafting Reagent - Ground Vigil´s Torch (80 skill)
Crafting Reagent - Ground Nightshade (75 skill)
Crafting Reagent - Ground Marrowroot (45 skill)
Crafting Reagent - Embalmer´s Oil (10 skill)
Use: While applied to a weapon, gives your attacks and spells chance to heal you for 388 health for the next 10 min. If already at full health, instead grants an absorb shield for 644 dmg, lasts for 15 sec (5 min cooldown). - Ground Rising Glory (20 skill)
Crafting Reagent - Shadowcore Oil (10 skill)
Crafting Reagent - Ground Death Blossom (15 skill)
Crafting Reagent
- Shadestone (170 skill)
Crafting Reagent - Shadowghast Ingot (165skill)
Crafting Reagent
- Spiritual Alchemy Stone (170 skill)
Craft a 165 ilvl trinket.
70 Versatility
Equip: When you heal or deal dmg, you have a chance to increase your Strenght, Agility or Intellect by 175 for 15 sec. Your Highest stat is always chosen.
Equip: Increases the effect that healing and mana potions have on the wearer by 40%. Does not stack.
This trinket has a Optional Reagent: Increase Item level Crafter´s Mark I - Crafter´s Mark IV
Utility Potions
- Potion of Specter Swiftness
Use: Increases your movement speed while dead by 100%. Only usable in Shadowlands. Lasts 2 min with 1 min cooldown. - Potion of Soul Purity
Use: Attempts to remove one curse, one disease and one poison from the imbiber. 5 min CD. - Potion of Shaded Sight
Use: Slightly increases your stealth detection for 10 min. 5 min CD - Potion of the Hidden Spirit
Use: The imbiber grains invisibility for 18 sec. 5 min CD
- Red Noggin Candle
This is a cosmetic hat as a candle.
Optional Reagents: Crafter´s Mark
Before crafting an armor, you can add Optional Reagents.
One of them can be to increase the ilvl. This is done with the Crafter´s Mark item.
Alchemist can craft 3 types of Crafter´s Mark
- A Novice
Sets the ilvl to 87and the required level to 50.
- A common – Crafter´s mark I
Sets the ilvl to 117 and requires minimum character level 55
- A rare – Crafter´s mark II
Sets the ilvl to 168 and required minimum character level 60
To get the patterns, there are some requirements.
Novice Crafter´s mark
Skill level 40
Crafter´s mark I
Skill level 45
Crafter´s mark II
Skill level 100
Revered reputation with The Avowed. Costs 50 Sinstone Fragments. Sold by Archivist Janeera in Ravendreth.
Sinstone fragments are looted by mobs in Halls of Atonement in Ravendreth. Not needed to enter the dungeon, just kill mobs in that area.
Gold farm with Alchemy
Of course, Alchemy is one of the top professions when it comes to gold, it always has been. The question is what to create to make the big bucks.
- New for Shadowlands and very effective for players.
- Oils are applied on weapons and can heal or do dmg.
- At the same time, they can also boost potions.
- They are cheap to make and effective.
- Start making them a sell as fast as possible.
- Oils have a 5 minute cooldown, which means that players will need a lot of them.
Also means that players with different specs/weapons will also need more of them. - Oils do NOT count as potion cooldown.
- Cauldrons are Bind on Account and cannot be sold, instead, you sell one of the items needed, the Shadestones.
- Two Shadestones are needed to make one cauldron.
- Shadestone is a transmutation that has one day cooldown.
- Located on Ravendreth
- This herb is needed for many important crafting to make Potions (Deathly Fixation, Sacrificial Anima, Spectral Agility, Empowered Exorcism
Not as good as before
Flasks, not as good as before
- Players will not buy as many flasks anymore because its one type of flask that increases your primary stat instead of 3, and one for stamina.
- Players with different specs will not buy different flasks now.
Combat and Utility Potions – not as good as before
- The system has changed when it comes to these potions.
- They are on a 5-minute cooldown instead of the encounter.
- This means that mythic plus and raiders will consume much less potions.
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