General Information
You start a fresh training from 1 in Shadowlands Jewelcrafting skills.
The max level is 300 skills.
In Shadowlands you can craft gems, necklaces, rings, cosmetic hat, do mass prospecting and craft Specialized Jewelry.
Specialized Jewelry are necklace and ring that is needed for anyone that wants o craft a legendary necklace or ring. Crafting a legendary item requires a Specialized amor (blacksmith/leatherworking/tailoring) or Specialized jewlery (necklace/ring) as the base, in order to add stats and legendary power on it (see my guide “Legendaries in Shadowlands” for more info).
New in Shadowlands is that you can craft gems that can periodically heal based on how many gems you have socketed in you gear.
New in Shadowlands is that you can craft gems that your speed is increased by 2 for every gem you have socketed in you gear.
In Shadowlands, there are 3 types of color stones:
- Red: Angerseye
- Blue: Umbryl
- Green: Oriblase
With these 3 colors, you can cut them into
- Jewel Doublets (common)
- Jewel Clusters (rare)
There are 4 Rare gems.
The Rare gems have +16 in a secondary stat (Critical Strike, Mastery, Haste, Versatility)
There are 6 common gems.
The common gems have the four secondary stats with +12 and 2 gems that:
- Periodically heal 100 health for every Shadowlands gem you have equipped.
- Speed increased by 2 for every equipped Shadowlands gem.
You will be able to craft 4 common and 4 rare necklaces.
The common necklaces
- Has 100 ilvl.
- Has 25 stamina + 46 on a secondary stat (Critical Strike, Mastery, Haste, Versatility).
The rare necklaces
- Has 165 ilvl.
- Has 40 stamina + 66 on a secondary stat (Critical Strike, Mastery, Haste, Versatility).
You will be able to craft 4 common and 4 rare rings.
The common Rings
- Has 100 ilvl.
- Has 25 stamina + 46 on a secondary stat (Critical Strike, Mastery, Haste, Versatility).
The rare Rings
- Has 165 ilvl.
- Has 40 stamina + 66 on a secondary stat (Critical Strike, Mastery, Haste, Versatility).
Specialized Jewelry
In Shadowlands, you will create your legendary gear.
Each legendary gear has 4 slots to fill to be able to make it into a legendary gear
- A crafted Specialized Armor/Jewelry slot
You add a specialized armor - A crafted Secondary Stats Slot
You add a Rune (haste/Critical Strike/Mastery/Versatility) - Another Secondary Stats Slot
You add a Rune that is not the same as the first one, you cannot have 2 of the same. (haste/Critical Strike/Mastery/Versatility) - A legendary power Slot
The power the legendary can
Once you obtained the items needed, you also need Soul Ash in order to perform the creation of the Legendary item. In beta, it costs 100 Soul Ash to craft one legendary item.
Specialized Armor
Is either mail, plate, cloth or leather.
This Specialized Armor is crafted by the professions, Blacksmithing (plate), leatherworking (leather/mail) and Tailoring (cloth).
The Specialized Armor for plate gear is called Shadowghast
The Specialized Armor for cloth gear is called Grim-Veiled
The Specialized Armor for leather gear is called Umbrahide
The Specialized Armor for mail gear is called Boneshatter
Specialized Jewelry
These are ring and necklace, called Shadowghast Ring and Shadowghast Necklace.
This Specialized Jewelry is crafted by Jewelcrafters.
To craft a specialized Necklace, you need
- 25 Shadowghast ingot
- 50 Essence of Servitude
- 50 Essence of Valor
To craft a specialized Ring, you need
- 25 Shadowghast ingot
- 50 Essence of Rebirth
- 50 Essence of Suffering
Optional Reagents: Crafter´s Mark
Before crafting an armor, you can add Optional Reagents.
One of them can be to increase the ilvl. This is done with the Crafter´s Mark item.
Jewelcrafters can craft 3 types of Crafter´s Mark
- A Novice
Sets the ilvl to 87and the required level to 50.
- A common – Crafter´s mark I
Sets the ilvl to 117 and requires minimum character level 55
- A rare – Crafter´s mark II
Sets the ilvl to 168 and required minimum character level 60
To get the patterns, there are some requirements.
Novice Crafter´s mark
Skill level 40
Crafter´s mark I
Skill level 45
Crafter´s mark II
Skill level 100
Revered reputation with The Avowed. Costs 50 Sinstone Fragments. Sold by Archivist Janeera in Ravendreth.
Sinstone fragments are looted by mobs in Halls of Atonement in Ravendreth. Not needed to enter the dungeon, just kill mobs in that area.
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