The Mythic+ affix for this week is Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant, which challenges players to employ area-of-effect (AoE) crowd control to seize Haste buffs from their foes!
Understanding the Affix
Every week introduces a new variant of Xal'atath's Bargain for all Mythic+ keystones beginning at level 2.
The Tyrannical and Fortified affixes will alternate between levels 4 and 10, while the Challenger's Peril affix will consistently be active starting at level 7.
At Level 2 - Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant in Detail
This week’s +2 affix is Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant.
Approximately every minute during combat, Xal'atath will conjure 10 Orbs of Ascendance, which will cast Cosmic Ascension for 6.5 seconds.
If these orbs succeed, all enemies engaged will receive a stacking buff that increases their movement speed and Haste by 20%.
Players can counter this by interrupting or crowd-controlling the Orbs, allowing them to gain a stacking buff of 2% Haste and movement speed.
Similar to Raszageth's Orbs, any form of hard crowd control—such as stuns, interrupts, blinds, knocks, and disorients—will be effective against the Orbs.
This buff applies to the entire party, so teamwork is essential in stopping the Orbs to capitalize on the Haste boost.
Be sure to invest in AoE crowd control abilities like Disorienting Roar and Thunderstorm. Embrace the challenge of these new affixes!
At Level 4 - Tyrannical / Fortified Affix
The affix for level 4 this week is Tyrannical, which means that boss encounters will be significantly tougher: Bosses have 25% more health. Bosses and their minions inflict up to 15% increased damage.
At Level 10 Tyrannical / Fortified Affix
At level 10, the Fortified affix will also come into play: Non-boss enemies have 20% more health and inflict up to 20% increased damage.
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